Before ToS even came out, Sadhu was the class I was most excited to play. However it has never been in a particularly usable form. I tried it again today for the first time since before Re:Build, and while it is miles ahead of its old form, it still needs a lot of work… So I wanted to write up the ideas that I think would make it a lot better. Keep in mind this is a design with the idea that Sadhu would be the primary class of the build, and as such these ideas should not be taken in the light of “but it would be a terrible second/third class!”
The big issues:
Sadhu is spread pretty thin across the board, and therefore it isn’t particularly good at anything. The original concept of the class, and what made it unique - was Out Of Body, which doesn’t have much in the way of a use, even for a person with 3 hands.
The non-OOB skills in the tree seem half-designed to complement the class, and half-designed to be excessively generic. For the most part, all of the damage skills in the tree function largely the same way - Wide-AoE, damage, done.
Lastly, the skill point distribution in the tree is wrongly distributed. The last skill in the tree is not very impactful, and if the upcoming kTos changes see the light of day, it will be in an even worse state.
What am I proposing?
For starters, I want to provide feedback for the class in such a way that if implemented, revolves around the Out Of Body mechanic. Skills need to be shuffled, and attributes need to be added. Sadhu as a class playstyle is a lifestyle, so I would not expect anyone who does not like the idea behind the class to want to play it even with my changes. This is a labor of love, so only those who appreciate the unique concept behind the class are likely to enjoy it still.
Out Of Body:
This needs to be a 5-pointer. It also needs to grant a bit more freedom to the Sadhu then it currently does, which means de-emphasizing it as a damage filler, and more as a mobility skill - it is in after all the core concept behind Sadhu’s design.
- Max skill level of 5. No longer does damage, and no longer has a cooldown.
- When out-of-body, the skill becomes ‘Back To Body’, which returns you back to your body (duh)
- Movement speed increases with each skill level, to a max of 65.
- The range of movement increases with each skill level, to a max of 240.
- Damage reduction and Evasion increase with each skill level, to the normal rates of -30%/+15%.
Attribute: Out Of Body - Discipline: While in Out Of Body, gain a stack of [Discipline] every 3 seconds (max 3 stacks). [Discipline] increases all damage dealt while OOB by 10%. When leaving OOB, this buff is retained for 20 seconds.
Attribute: Out Of Body - Understanding: While in Out Of Body, heal yourself for 5% of your max HP every 10 seconds.
I would see this skill designed to be something used both in and out of body - where there is clearly an advantage to using it while OOB. So the idea behind this is just to re-tool it so that it behaves differently.
- Max skill level of 15, 3 Overheats, 20s cooldown.
- No longer returns the Sadhu to their body.
- Places a magic circle underneath the Sadhu. When an enemy walks into it, it will detonate and damage enemies in the nearby area. If OOB, the skill will be placed underneath the Astral projection and deal additional damage over time.
- Circle lasts for 30s from cast, and 5s after being triggered.
- Enemies/Allies can only be effected by it once per cast.
Attribute: Enhance & Enhance Arts added
Attribute: Prakriti - Sympathize: The skill now heals allies that walk over it instead of damage. If placed while OOB it will also provide healing over time. Not compatible with Prakriti: Defeati.
Attribute: Prakriti - Defeati: The skill now immediately explodes, reducing the cooldown of Astral Body Explosion & Vashita by 3s per target hit.
Astral Body Explosion:
The biggest issue I’ve ever had with this skill is that it explodes and brings the Sadhu back to body. The damage has also never justified the point expenditure considering its lack of utility.
- Max skill level of 15, 2 overheats, 30s cooldown.
- AoE Ratio increased from 11 to 15
- No longer ends Out Of Body
- Damage is increased roughly 50%, and it maintains the damage over time effect
Attribute: Astral Body Explosion - Falling Dream: Astral Body ends upon use, and triggers the damage at the location of the body as well. Not compatible with ABE: Revelation.
Attribute: Astral Body Explosion - Revelation: Astral Body loses its second overheat, but now consumes stacks of Discipline to increase damage even further.
Vashita Siddhi:
This skill is great as a means to defend the Sadhu’s body. However it is often overkill for the situations its used in, and when its not - it can’t save you.
- Max skill level 10, 2 overheats, 25s cooldown.
- Now guaranteed to stun for 4s
- Damage is reduced by roughly half (due to overheats)
- Sadhu’s maintains OOB status, but their body swaps locations with their projection
Attribute: Vashita Siddhi - Inner Turmoil: The Sadhu’s body will knockdown nearby enemies every second for 3 seconds after use. Not compatible with Vashita Siddhi: One With Self
Attribute: Vashita Siddhi - One With Self: The Sadhu will teleport to the location of their astral projection after the explosion, pulsing damage around them every second for 5 seconds.
This skill went from being Psychic Pressure Lite™ to an absolute nuke with Prana, to being a single-target mid-range damage skill. It’s not very usable in out of body either due to the nature of targeting. Also, why is it even called possession? This skill is effectively removed, and will be replaced with… Projection.
The idea here is to capitalize on the fact that the Sadhu can project their soul, and re-join with their body, moving between the planes of the conscious and the spirit realm.
- New Skill
- Max level 10, cooldown 50s
- The Sadhu now ascends to the Astral plane, their body vanishing for the duration of the skill. All skills now cast through the projection directly. You are no longer bound for the duration, and your crit rate and damage is increased by 30%. The bonuses of OOB now apply to your Astral form.
- Duration 15s
Attribute: Projection - Enlightened: Refreshes the cooldown on Sadhu skills upon use.
Attribute: Projection - Return To Self: Upon ending Projection, the Sadhu’s body will remain at the current location, maintaining Out Of Body. (otherwise you just show up again without OOB)
The way I wrote the previous skills, there’s not really a need for a low-duration buff that just increases Soul damage by 20%. The critical buff is also not enough to make this skill stand out. This will stay a buff, it will just be re-worked.
- Max level 5, Buff duration 30 minutes, cooldown 60s.
- New Effect: When Out Of Body, killing an enemy reduces the remaining cooldown on Sadhu skills by 3s. When not Out Of Body, each physical/magic attack used has a 30% chance to have its cooldown reduced by 30%.
Attribute: Prana - Finding Balance: Instead of reducing the cooldown on Sadhu skills while in Out Of Body, killing an enemy will reduce the remaining cooldown on any skill currently on cooldown by 50%.
Attribute: Prana - Fortuitous: Being Out Of Body now drains 5% of your HP every 5 seconds, but instead fully refreshes a skill on cooldown with each kill.
In conclusion:
I really just want to see more emphasis given to Sadhu’s capabilities while being Out Of Combat. Conceptually this is one of the most flavorful classes I’ve ever heard of - but its actual performance and implementation falls very short of the imagination that was invoked in creating it. Us Sadhu fans are out here though, hoping for something big to make this class worthwhile to play.
Thanks for reading!