I would like to know if the experience provided by monsters decreases when we increase the character lv?
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There are 2 main types curves of exp:
Every level requires almost the double EXP as the level before that. RO1 had this kind of exp curve. You could kill thousands of low lvl mobs to lvl up, or try killing high lvl mobs in order to get exp. This model is mostly based on killing mobs to lvl up.
Linear curves:
Every level requires almost the same amount of TIME (not exp). For example: a lvl 30 quest grants you almost 1/3 of the exp needed to get lvl 31, and a lvl 60 quest also grants you 1/3 of the EXP needed to get 61. This model is mostly based on Questing. There are also monster level caps to prevent power leveling and other stuff. Guild Wars 2 has this model. Most modern MMO’s had adopted this.
Sice ToS has BASE level and RANK level, I think BASE level is linear and Rank level is non linear. I might be wrong, but I heard that base level is mainly leveled up by questing, and to get your Rank level up you need to go kill mobs. Correct me if im wrong.
I found ToS Exp tables for both BASE and RANK levels.
Here a BASE EXP graph I made. You can clearly see that the curve tends to go linear at higher levels, that means that higher levels wont get extremely difficult to lvl up such as in RO.
Here is a Rank EXP graph too. It seems to be kind of non linear at higher levels. Sorry for scale!
thank you ----------------------------
Very informative, thank you for this insightful post.
I need to download these graphs. Thanks for the information. It kinda gives me an idea on how to approach the game.
this is one crazy statistics
I know I’m late to this and I’m not a fan of reviving dead posts but I had a small question.
Let’s say I went
Rank1: swordie
Rank2: highlander
Rank3: barb
Would someone who circled Highlander again at rank 3 lvl up their job about the same speed as my barb?