Tree of Savior Forum

Profession System

Here is a suggestion that I have been thinking for quite some time now that might make the game better (idk lol), the Profession System.

What is the Profession System?

The profession system introduces a different path aside from the class system for players. Each player must choose a profession that they want in order to contribute into the world of ToS (Aside from saving the world from demons. Heroes have a day job as well!). These profession ranges from crafting, exploring, role playing etc.

The purpose of this is to eliminate the one trick classes from class tree (classes that only offer one useful skill in the game), like Squire (repair slave) and Alchemist (Potion Slave) in order to give way for better builds and save character slots. There are professions that could be tied to a single class in order to get that profession (i.e., only swordsman can be a smith) Each profession comes with a quest to unlock it as well as a professor. Level your professions to unlock different skills and bonuses!

Example of those Professions

  • Smith (Swordsman Exclusive) - Set’s up a shop for adventurers that offer services like crafting, enhancement and repairs.

  • Alchemist (Wizard Exclusive) - Basically what alchemist does in game, just move it into Profession

  • Portalist (Wizard Exclusive) - Teleports you to any part of the map as long as that portalist has an access to the Vakarine Statue and completely explored the area of that specific map and put a portal stone in there/location marker)

  • Archivist (Available to all classes) - Records the events the happens in the world of tree of savior, receive various buffs and special effects for based on the number of events recorded.

  • Royal Guard (Available to all classes) - Register to the Royal Army and receive buffs, events and lore sequences.

  • Chef - Create food that give various effects such as buffs and exp gains and sell it to other players. .

Fishing, Mining, Farming and other activities could also be considered as profession.

The things listed on this page could also be a profession in game: Log Horizon Subclasses

What do you guys think? Will this help the game or not? Criticisms are welcome and also suggestions for the profession.



I just want the chef, squire isn’t a real chef.
Heck, I’d give up circles to be a chef.

I suggested proffesions ages ago… XD Didn’t happen then but lets hope. I wanted it because we lack other content we can progress in than just leveling your character and fighting monsters… We have too much of those tho now… so Im not sure if I would still have time for professions too… xD

I rly wanted commerce system btw with a Merchant profession. We have lots of maps that makes it possible. Also I think fishing should be turned into a fisherman profession too.

Hello Yukibo,

Thank you for giving us a detailed suggestion on how we can further improve and make the game exciting. We will take your suggestion and forward it to our dev team for them to review it.