Tree of Savior Forum

Problems with Relect Sheild

I have been experiencing problems with reflect shield. Maybe someone can help me out. I thought reflect shield is supposed to reduce damage taken for each hit you take and reflect back what damage you take. In the game i have only been able to reflect back 1 damage despite how much damage i take, plus some moves ignore my reflect entirely. has anyone experience these problems

i have had the same issue. i believe it is bugged

Reflect Shield reduces the damage you take by x, and reflects “x - target def” back to the target.

So let’s say you have Reflect Shield level 5 and 30 SPR:

Damage Reflection: 25 + SPR or 55.

Enemy would hit you for 300 - you take 245 and (would) reflect back 55, except 55 is lower than most enemies’ defense hence why you do 1s.

Ah ok thanks that clears it up

So reflect is useless? I’m starting a new wizard but have no experience with this class…

so reflect shield can no longer bypass defense?

It is. It had some use back during beta in that it prevented cast and channelling from being interupted - but that’s long gone now.

Number-wise the skill has always been bad, the hit limit is ridiculous.

It sucks, and doesn’t really help any in the future, but it’s still better than lethargy :stuck_out_tongue:. I’m at lvl 64 and still using it just as a buffer during opening engagements and running away cause taking 50-100 dmg is still better than 100-150.

It would be interesting if later it could be cast onto your summoned pets, and if you linked with them to spread almost 0 damage across your solo squad. But I’m pretty sure I’m dreaming.