Tree of Savior Forum

Problemas para entrar no servidor silute!

Silute server client with imc problems, game enters the lodge, but does not enter the game !!


Silute server with problems after maintence… who would imagine


by the way, @STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Ines @William121213513513 etc etc etc

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Same here, please fix It! Im a returning player and at Second day, i cant login. Nice!



I think the game didn’t patch at all so we can’t have access because we’re playing and “old” version or at least this is what I understood lol

@Staff_Jin @STAFF_Yuri @William121213513513 @STAFF_Bob @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ines

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Estagiário foi embora e esqueceu de ligar o server. Mais um dia normal, tinha esquecido q tos dessas coisas.

Where are the support team to fix the problem? Its been more than 6 hours…

@Staff_Jin @STAFF_Yuri

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O mesmo problema aqui, so no Silute, quem iria imaginar, nao e mesmo IMC!?!?!?!

It’s nice to see that Silute server is down and I almost don’t have time to play this game and when I save some time the server isn’t working and as it looks it’ll get the entire day to open it. :frowning: :confused:

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