Tree of Savior Forum

Problem with quest tracker on map/minimap (since the latest patch)

I don’t use add-ons and I can confirm now that is not a problem in my software/hardware, because I just installed the game on a new computer, logged-in on my account and the issue persists.

The "zooming minimap’ works with some quests, as @nizidr said, but a just can’t finish an important collection quest “To The Fortress of the Land”, in Inner Eincentre District, because nothing triggers and the map shows nothing.

I have not sent the ticket yet, how/where can I do this?

Thank you all for the replies.

Yes, some quests markers appear on the full map, but with me there are severall others that don’t ;/
Some Mercenary Post quests works as you say, marked only on the full map, to give an exemple.

I play without any add-ons and the problem is still there. And i did check files with Steam.

I do use add-ons but my friend doesn’t and we both experience the same issue.

For those who are facing this problem, please send a Support Ticket here with pictures and video.

Also, please include the quest you were working on when the flags didn’t appear on the minimap. To clarify, the main map is working fine? :cold_sweat:

Yes but not always. Sometimes the quests indication won’t appear on the main map either.

It’s all quests, Letitia… It’s not a problem with one or two. It’s ALL of them.

And by ALL it means main quests, sub quests, hidden quests… ALL of them.

There seems to be a delay…I’ll tell the QA team :sob:

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Can confirm, myself and my friend just came back to the game, fresh install, and both of us are having this issue with quests. It makes it very hard to play so hopefully this issue will be resolved soon.

Same here, all quests with this issues

working fine here. just tested it and its ok.

still having this bug @STAFF_Letitia @STAFF_Amy

Is this the same problem?

The temporary solution given there worked.

Yes same problem. The only workaround I know of is to minimize the map using x0.4 factor hoping the quest marker comes into view.

I’m having the same problem.
Sometimes when I use the F5 to mark quests it starts to work as normal, but as soon as I change maps it stops working again.

is in all quests main quests and subquests and to add, I can’t even select the quests to mark then on the tracker

Anyone have done something to fix this? I started playing once again to give some love to ToS but with this bug is gives me reasons to leave again… don´t get me wrong I know no one cares if I leave or not but I invite a friend to play and having this issue is a pain…

I have the same problem. It’s really annoying

This is scheduled to be fixed in today’s maintenance.

Quest Instructions

  • Corrected the error which caused quests to appear as hidden and made it impossible to add them to the quest instructions UI.
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