Tree of Savior Forum

Price check on costume and one quesiton about game changes and fencer

1° i want to know the price of Swordsman Circle 3 Costume

2° i want to know several changes about skills and stats for Fencer Build since i am rank 11 corsair and i like to ear some opinions about the actual fencer

i think you’re getting some terms mixed up here.

Rank = Basicly the amount of Class choices you have made, including the initial one when you make your character, currently theres 8 ranks, so you choose your class progression a total of 8 times (inculding the initial one).

Circle = The number of times you choose the same class, for example, i start with a Swordsman, thats circle 1, at Rank 2 i can choose to become a Peltasta or Highlander, or further advance my Swordsman class, and in that case i would advance it to Circle 2, while if i choose any of the other ones i’d be Swordsman c1 -> Peltasta / Highlander c1.

Class level = The number of levels you have advanced you last Rank choice, and everytime you hit Class level 15 you hit the next Rank.

As far as your questions go, cant answer #1 as i dont play on Klaipeda, and for #2, im not 100% sure what you’re asking, like do you want to know about recent changes that was made to skills and stats, or are you asking for help with builds?
If you wanna know more about the changes that was made a few months ago theres plenty of topics that go though stats and skills in detail.

well you see i played the game since it was open for the public and since then i saw a lot of changes and heared some of them like dex stat changed and some skill changed and now they have % damage instead of raw damage and i like to know if the stat alocation and skills hold up to the changes.

PD: also what about boss cards since i heared they are or they will be unable to be equiped if you have another copy equiped.

i would go through this post, it explains most of the changes in detail:

I think a reasonable price for it would be around 6mil silver.

i just saw it on market at 8 bot male and female but i am going for female and i will try at 5 million silver since i got 1 millon and a half so i have to make it worth or farm wind runer or something expensive from world bosses.

ty for the help all my questions where solved.