Tree of Savior Forum

Preparing for a Healthy Economy in the International Server

You are arguing for the sake of arguing about a system that you know nothing about it seems.
As an example: monthly subscription for FFXIV would cost me about $7-8 in my currency, Eve Online is about $5/month through Steam…

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Good for you eh? For me FFXIV which is $15 per month basically would cost me R$60 of my currency per month, now tell me where i am arguing for the sake of arguing? My money don’t grow on trees. With that amount i can pay my internet or energy bill.

If you are that stingy you shouldnt be playing online games. Gaming is a hobby and hobbies tend to be costly. Or are you one of those people that want a high quality service and entertainment for free?

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Man i can see that talking with you will lead to nowhere, just ignore my posts, for my sake too. LOL

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You know there is a real easy solution. Look at successful games in the market you’re selling to. And copy their monetization model. Tera Online, Eve, FFXIV, FFXI, World of Warcraft, Guildwars 2. All viable options and we don’t hear endless screams of terror about their monetization models. Just don’t try and bring any of that Nexon, Trion Worlds, Perfect World Entertainment, or that Granado Espada bullshit to the international market and there wont be any problems.

Please stop trying to make others not to worry about it if we do not demonstrate that such a change is bad the company itself can implement this in the international server … if you do not like just ignore and follow his quiet hours and satisfaction the company, just do it.

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Improvements to the treatment of their disease :slight_smile:

Get well.

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I didn’t got what you meant, trying to make others not worry? Its just my opinion, as i said, i don’t see reasons for all the worry about it, that is all, in any moment i had said to stop worry and be quiet and by no mean i trust people or companies, i do hope they do the right thing, but i don’t expect them to do so, as you all are voicing your worries i am voicing my opinion, i don’t see nothing wrong with that.

Thank you.

It’s just a “plus” on the token system. They wouldn’t sell just because of the +3MS neither would lose money removing it. So… yeah, no problem removing it in my opinion. All i’m saying is people are always worry about this and this don’t change much.

It’s not that simple. Most of the cases just do this simple conversion but in a few (like wow) there is the regionalization. the subscription in Brazil cost like 15R$, and in NA cost 10$. unfortunately in most cases it’s just a conversion Dollar>Real and the prices are always high.

Whatta genius. Why botter trying to do something good and new? They should just copy everything!

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The problem is, it doesn’t work like that for subs, at least in all the games i played, FFXIV, EVE, WoW, always follow the dollar value on the day the CC is doing the billing, what i mean is, if you pay today the sub and the dollar value on the the same day is 1:1 you would think you are paying $15, but at the end of the month or w/e day you get billed by the bank for using the CC the dollar value is 3:1, you will pay that value, as an example of my country (Brazil the currency is the Real and the symbol is R$) the dollar value today (i just checked on [this site] and the name goes by Dólar COM on the black strip in the site) is $1 for 3,87 (the actual value is 3,878 but i just rounded it) at the next billing if that value is doubled or halved i will pay the corresponding value of the billing.(

Regional sub only work when the company have a local representative, at least is what i think, but even so, some of those “representatives” decide to only convert the value in dollar and bill the user/consumer the same way a bank/CC company would do. I am talking this from experience, its nothing new and it will not die of old so soon.

A friend programmer once said to me that in the Earth, nothing is new only copied lol, at that time i laughed scornfully but today i see many people think that way seriously, such a shame.

Forgot to say one more thing before i get crucified again, even tho for me it’s a terrible thing to happen and might even make me not play or not buy w/e it is decided in the end, it’s their call to do thing that will be profitable, if i have the opportunity to buy it i will, but if its too hard i will leave it alone.

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And why not? If you’re a game company and you’re not rolling in money like Valve or Blizzard why turn your game into a monitization experiment…

The problem, it does for a few :joy: i played WoW long time ago and it was like that (credit card, with the conversion at end of month), but last year they start the regionalization and now they sell in real(19,90 reais), you can even pay with “boleto”(i dont know how to translate that :joy:)

In TOS, steam could viabilize this regionalization like in dota.
Well… its just an idea

P.S.:im from brazil too

Why? blizzard system sucks… The only reason WoW was a sucess its because the game was good, total inovation at the time it was released. The monetization system was/is a total shame. Seriously, you agree with buying a game and still have to pay a subscription AND STILL sell a lot of cash itens? I played games from blizzard and quited because of that.

If you like… ok, i respect your opinion. But dont say other companies should copy that.

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Ah that is because blizz found a good market here in Brazil, as we have Diablo 3 servers also to lessen the lag, so they can do that directly since its their management, on Steam case, they are only distributors, what i mean is, for their games its fine if they do the monetization, but if you take the case as EVE or FFXIV (note that both games are being distributed on steam also after you pay the key/license or w/e it can be called, but still have the sub to be paid) where the developers are the publishers also, they do the normal way, so we have to pay high in our currency not matter what, which led me stop playing both games, i do love both, but the price now is bad for my wallet.

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The facts are that they are financially successful and their brand has maintained some reputation. But I am curious about Brazil. Do gamers dislike subscriptions and cosmetics combination over there? There hasn’t been notable outcry from North Americans about their shop. Is Blizzard’s brand reputation bad in Brazil?

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Its not like we dislike them, the problem is when converting the money values, for us, its too expensive.
As i explained before, the dollar value on our currency is close to 4:1 (our currency:dollar), which means that $15 cost us R$60.

It is a hard thing to pass to others since every country have different money value, if i try to explain i will get something like “are you that stingy?” even when no one know what the money value is in other country?

I don’t think like that, i do value the money i earn, as i value the money others earn, i was a owner of a computer parts shop, did maintenance and mounted rigs for gaming and work, as i did mounted servers, i know how things goes in my country and other countries i take not on that, so i can’t just come out here and say “no its too expensive, lower the price or i won’t accept” or “its cheap just buy it and deal with the rest later”, its not that simple.

About blizz, i can’t say for others, but for a while blizz for me has been doing ■■■■ on some, if not most of their games, tbh, i decided to play again D3, i bought it when it released, then bought the expansion, but i did now after 1 year since i stopped playing, why i stopped playing? Because end game is like most generic MMO’s out there, kill yourself to gear up and that’s it, did it changed since you last played? No, still the same, just with new stuff.
So in the end for me its just a generic game, i do play for the lack of something else to play. I may just install Victor Vran again and start playing., or The Incredible Adventures of Van Hellsing.

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No that’s perfectly understandable that you want a fair price for your region. From the developer side though… That maybe hard to accommodate. I know Valve gets some heat from region locking people from Russia so they can give them a cheaper prices. I don’t see the problem with an MMO though for just charging less for use of the South American server.


I think you didn’t get it. The problem ins’t have subscription+cosmetics or buy game+cosmetics. The problem is to have all the options. especially B2P+P2P. I have to buy a game, i have to buy expansions, and, if i wanna play, i have to pay a subscription…

good games, but mercenary company.


I don’t know why ppl insist in to compare real life prices to in game digital cosmetic stuff, is rlly dumb, don’t see it as a “hair cut”, this is a cosmetic element that will make your character more unique, different from the rest, if is expensive less ppl will have it so it will be rlly unique, being cheap wont exactly make it especial… the point is not sell a lot is sell few at a higher price, maybe they will drop prices when they a add more, that is kind of basic… im sure there will be more things that will be cheaper and that will be more useful than cosmetic stuff. For everything else we just have to wait to the OBT to actually start to complaint…, and plz don’t forget what BETA means…
Nexon is responsible for pushing final release dates in Korea, and for what i understand IMC are the developers (srry if im getting this wrong) and if they are in charge of the international release im sure they will want to see their game well polished before a final release.

Not only on Russia, its sort of region, i mean, i can’t give someone from North America region through Steam anymore like we used to do 2 years ago, which make me pissed since i used to do that on Christmas for a friend that live in Canada.

I could be wrong on what i am about to say but i think that is took under a global view, may it be easier to deal with, or more profitable, only them can tell.

@raphma9 HAHAHAHAHAHA nice one man.

I think you are missing the point here, its a digital item, it’s not even real, i won’t deal under the price itself, and i won’t go dwell on your values about money either, now lets take the hair styles as an example, as the price goes now in KR, if the same would be applied here it would be close to $30 (US dollar since it became a global currency for internet international transactions), for whoever country have a low difference in dollar value, be it + or -, it wouldn’t be that bad, but for other countries, that the difference is really visible, again i will take my country example since i don’t know if the dollar would cost more (4x for Brazil, can’t say for others as i said) so if i wanted that hair style i would had to pay (in my currency + taxes from the bank) over R$120, so to make things clear and simple, with that money, i can rent a 1 person room with bathroom and kitchen (not that depend on the region in the country, i found one place once for half that value 4 years ago when i lived alone), even if the item in question was a limited edition, i don’t think that value would be worth, but as i said before, its my opinion, i, by no means, am forcing anything to anyone here, if i can play the game without a problem not buying that i couldn’t care less about the CS prices, but i wouldn’t support the company, not with that pricing, and as i said before also, each region/country have different money values, you can come here and say ah its all bullshit and what not, but you have to consider one thing also, not every region of the planet have a stable economy or at least a consolidate coin like EU (i’m talking about the Euro).

Nexon indeed is responsible for the publishing in KR, i can’t say for sure if they pushed IMC or they agreed to do it, and yes, IMC is responsible for our Int version, i do hope they do as you are thinking and polish the game before even thinking in release.

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Actually, with a 0.8% base tax you would have to sell over 900 million silver to reach the 30% tax rate. It seems fair for such an insane amount of money, when you’re dealing with extra-rich people you gotta keep them in line or they can just inflate/deflate the market at will.

Besides, I’m talking about periodical tax resets, so if you’re slowly thriving to get enough money for that OP item you’ve always wanted, your taxes never get too high, they get high to the person who earns that large sum of money in a short period of time.

I really hope so.

Totally Agree

If you were to ask me, EXP gain is practically a stat, a rate, and players subject to lower rates for whatever reason seems innecessarily unfair. The exp race when new levels open up is kind of a sport that everyone deserves a place in, and in that regard it gives a real advantage to paying players.[quote=“nando20xx, post:20, topic:126238”]
Oh God no VIP status for Christ Sake’s, most stupid and useless thing ever created for games, if i wanted some meaningful VIP status i would get one at a local club of sorts.
So you’re against the VIP token I get? I’m not a real fan of it either, but I think it would be a nice way to generate revenue for IMC.

What do you mean by exp balance?[quote=“nando20xx, post:20, topic:126238”]
I don’t think its a good idea imo, it can bring some other problems, specially with silver sellers, but since we need to make money in some way, but in all honesty, IF the game goes as IMC announced on that interview, i can see some classes making money doing services for certain stuff.
Silver sellers are gonna farm silvers one way or another, that is what the tax system I proposed aims to combat, Say you wanna buy 10m silver, that is going to be taxed for at least 20.78%, either by trade or by market, you’d only be getting 7.922.067 at most, which I think is fair for earning so much money in so little time, it gives some space for newer players to catch up money-wise, as they are being charged less taxes because they’re earning less silvers daily.

Strictly speaking, it’s an advantage, and if it applies to PVP, it’s slightly P2W. It is a delicate matter, just caressing the surface of P2W. I’d rather have them avoid that.

I’d rather have cheap, not-so-unique items for sale, so that they sell by the bunch. Once the game has proven it’s success, more luxurious items may become a thing, but before? Having expensive stuff from the start seems like a desperate money-grabbing move, which is bad for the company’s image, scares away many potential customers.

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