Tree of Savior Forum

PPl Use enchant lightning [enchanter class] with Taoist combo, or not?

Wanna take enchanter on my 2linker-3chrono, but scare, that enchanter is totally useless now (in party) and sage is more better. But we have possible wombo combo with Taoists storm calling which increase damage from ligthning, or cryo (all frozen enemies take doubledamage from ligthning attacks).
Can someone give me advice?

This video have all the information that you want.

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yeah, i saw it. enchant scrolls uselless cause of low number spells (looks like only for joint), agility dont work, and raise party lvl (empowering) dont look cool (and i dont know do this skill decrease mobs damage or not)


IF ppl dont use this combo-wombo - than my char can be useless, what i dont want.

Enchant Lighting is super strong.
Not only the combo with stormcalling which gives you 5x lightning damage but also it changes melee property to lightning. For example if you have a melee hitting ghost types you typically get -50% damage because of melee type. But then it’s lightning type it doesn’t get reducded anymore.
And ontop of everything +500 lightning property damage.

Totally worth the Enchanter pick imho. Sage is just moving missile hole if you want more defensive skills.

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yeah, and this change certain weapon skills which neutral to lightning property too. But i’m in fear that ppl dont take me in ET if i take Enchanter =(

Depends on the team, we wanted an Enchanter and are running good with him.