Tree of Savior Forum

Potato bread hidden quest?

i got potato bread from kleipedia girl… i got it after i went from dungeon near the tenet church and dungeon near mausoleum king… i know this cuz i do nothing beside that and always talk to npc before i went out from the city…
the potate bread was given to refugee and he talk about his wife cook related with potato dumpling(crystal mine 2 perhaps?)… and i notice nothing from the conversation and it might need to do something since i didnt get any reward from it…i will post the picture after i given the bread to refugee but sadly not the refugee conversation
[EDITTED: this is the conversation between me and refugee>I think of the peaceful days before Medzio Diena every day.{nl}The Potato Dumplings I used to have with my wife were the best…<)
but the kleipedia girl (the repeat chat that proves she gives me the bread)…
i also did talk the kleipedia young man near the centre of statue that gives more than 5-6 conversation before i talk to the girl…
btw this quest still unfinish since no reward was given yet

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Not all the quests give reward, one of the main quest line in Orsha side don’t give reward when you talk to Lord of Orsha, hence, it make a perfect quest to leave completed to use as free teleport to Orsha.

Can you please post the details? Would be appreciated. Templar master and priest master warp is overrun by level 13 and 14 cards or practonium quest which sometimes forces you to finish it. Lol

i dont know about that… u know about the rotting potato dumpling in crystal mine??? before it kinda avoid to eat no matter what u did to it…after i gave the refugee the potato bread and then talk back to klepedia girl that talk about potato dumpling… seems that it now gives new conversation that let me eat the rotting potato dumpling(it gives black for second which refer to me faint after eating it… u can find the conversation in github)… after that it refuse to let me try it (no more avoid scene)
this is not related with main quest or watsoever… is it suddenly appeared after im went around wasting time( to relearn the attribute after rank reset which takes time cuz im not token user…yeah still poor to buy token)

its seems to me in my server(probably) we no longer received practonium but ripped piece of paper

I didn’t got that one, which floor?

u already got the bread???crystal mine floor 2…u shud trigger the conversation first before go there…ill post the aftermath conversation in crystal mine


now im looking for some conversation that related with potato dumpling(since all related with this food) if u guys remember something ill give it a shot to that npc… i have no intention to waste anyone time… i juz play the game to discover something new thats all…

Oh that table, i remember it, i don’t remember if i got the bread tho, i think i didn’t.

so? are u telling that without the bread. the eating scene still occured???

I tried with 2 of my chars but i can’t get that dialog you showed, so my guess is that i had touched the table when i was low level.

I am wondering if i am missing a pre-requisite quest or something. All my chars say the same, even the ones that didn’t touch the table.

-.- dude im telling u to get the bread first…since the conversation related with potato dumpling was mention by the refugee and the klaipeda girl…im sorry about the pre requisite regarding how to trigger the given potato bread… i juz click everything and do alot of thing… and it might be a time related quest which i dont know…i will check the timing later the moment i got the bread

I will try again after my dailies.

i got the conversation at 6.39~43 am server time…

I have no idea honestly the reward or premise for this quest but do think “hidden potato bread” is one of the funniest things ever. I’ve been waiting over a day to see what this is.

Those npc have been in the mines since forever too.

ill just stop here i guess… ill update if i found something new… not in few days… i wish someone else got this too and tell me this is just nothing…

You can do the thing in the mines without triggering the NPC. I did it before when I was curious if the rotten potato dumplings would trigger anything lol You just have to be persistent about eating them.

You’ll have to take my word I didn’t talk to the NPC first, but here’s a recording of me doing it without talking to the NPC (feel free to replicate for your own amusement):

Does it trigger a warp or no? Need answers thanks

Hasn’t triggered anything for me before. I thought it was totally random. It’s kinda nice to see there’s at least a semi-related NPC somewhere.