Tree of Savior Forum

Post if you got a beta key!

The Key is checked and loaded…
Download is done…
ShadowPlay is ready…
Ice-Tea pack in the fridge…
Cookies just in the hand range…


I guess I’m ready.

Its in two days, get more cookies

My mom gave me (birthday gift) a trip to hawaii package for 5day 4 night starts at Wednesday. Then I checked the homepage with my account this afternoon and luckily, I have a beta key (YAY!) :confetti_ball: . Now, I have a problem about what to do with the trip to hawaii package. And I’m the only son, wish I have a big brother to give it to him instead. :cry:

MFW I checked my email:

Congratulations to the others that received a key! See you guys ingame!


thats a nice problem to have… im still trying to get a key and i got work in 5 hours T_T but enjoy hawaii you will love it!

well through some kind of miracle. i really got in xDD
see ya in game guys~

I squealed in joy that I got one. Omg, how many times I refreshed my gmail for this.
Now I’m reading some beta testing tips to report. :3

Hey guys … I’m in too :smiley:

I hope people who got the key look through holes, repetitive crashes, and other bugs worth noting for. Seriously, people should be prepared before logging in the game.

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I got a key too! I’m so excited, can’t wait till 4th ^^

I got 2 mails from ToS. Woooot! Excited to play! Thank you ToS!

yes got emmmm :tada:

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I got a key :slight_smile: thank you! I pretty much never get a key for betas. looking forward to aug 4th


I feel pretty fortunate considering the circumstances. I as i mentioned before, i was worried a “bot” account would gain access over me.

(I should go buy a lottery ticket…)

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I got one
senpai noticed me

I am the Seed of my Tree.

Wood is my Body and Sap is my Blood.

I have created over a thousand Leafs.

Unknown to Death, Nor known to Life.

I have withstood pain to create many Forests.

At least, those Branch will hold something.

So as I pray, TREE OF SAVIOR !

If it wasn’t obvious enough : I’m in too :wink:


didnt got a key :frowning: if someone have an extra pls send me!


see you guys in game!!

PEGUEII MINHA BETA KEY - i got my beta key omg :kissing_heart: