Tree of Savior Forum

Post if you got a beta key!

Yep, on it see you guys there!!!

I never got anything its a first time :laughing:

I am jumping in happiness! Hope to play with some of you :smile_cat:

I’ve got a key too. Hopefully I can contribute to making the game better, although not finding bugs can be a good thing too. :smile:

i got it!!! thanks god i’m the chosen one :smile:


WIN! The beta key!!



I’m a translator so I got 3 keys :blush:

Give me one, I’m freaking out xd


I translated 77 lines so I just missed out lol, it’s okay I only cried a lot haha

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Hard to be happy for people…all I can think about is throwing all of you off a cliff and taking your beta codes :slight_smile:

I’ve already gave them to 2 guys in another community, it’s too late :smiley:

:frowning: i’m so saaaaaaaad

Got a key :blush: :blush: :blush: registered for steam immediately so nothing awful can happen to my beautiful key

I GOT THE KEEEEEEEEY and this time I’m not joking :’)

My body is ready for Aug.4th!

I got lucky :smiley: see ya in the game bros!

i got mine just after work and it at 55%

Congrats to everyone who got a beta key! See you in-game!

Already posted here, but i am so happy for getting a key that i made a drawing of it.

I still cant believe i got one!