Tree of Savior Forum

Post for unbreakable weapon upgrade reports

And this is what I meant by…lynching the wrong people…bwahahhhaha

theres no loss. Since the 3 loss its cuz of the gems. U know the game very well. Thats not the question. Ive never seen 3 gems lvl 7 on a weapon in Silute. Its hard to ge one to lvl 6 (ask everyone), and silute isnt the oldest server. Think about it.


Benefit of doubt…mate…everything is possible…cause I can easily trade equips to my alt so I can affix jewels in it…then give it back to my main.

THEN AGAIN…everything is possible…XD…

take a breath before acusse everyone. Remember many many people was transfered from klai/orsha to their regional server, so they have been playing for a while. Also, i agree gems lvl 7 are hard to get, but it’s not impossible, i manage to get one (5 monsters gem, 10000 materials obtained from bees, a lot of lvl 2 gems from demon prison 2, and the rest just materials from the market) and im playing since may. So if there is someone playing around a year, isn’t that rare.

Again, im not defending the exploiters, they deserved at least a perma ban, but acuse everyone with a +10 weapon and full potential, it’s just silly.

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I forgot socketing costs potential, I see the issue now, still don’t see the gems issue though. You can do the feidimian party quest 5x a day to get sparkly cubes full of gems. If you do this every single day I can’t imagine it’ll take too long to get a gem to lvl 7.

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Well, do you want me to remove it? I can remove it if you want to :slight_smile:

I just posted this because the staff asked for support on one thread… but not everyone will see it… they didn’t announce on how to “support” them, pretty sure reporting high upgrade weapons will not prove anything because I’m pretty sure they don’t record anything on their database that will count as solid evidence

Anyone who thinks this is lynching pls read :slight_smile: I didn’t post these to destroy the players’ reputations

possible of Monster gem Dupe

It has more than a month that others use this bug.

IMC and its bugs ended the game.

I was pretty damn close to getting a +10 Grand Cross, but the damn upgrades didn’t wanna go to +10. Eventually after Potential blew out twice and the second time being a fail streak I just sold it for +7 to save the little smidge of Potential left. -3-

It’s most certainly possible to get a +10 weapon. Maybe even +15 through sheer luck. Honestly though whoever thought of batch loading needs their head on the chopping block.

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@GM_Sebastian @GM_Francis @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Max

Doing 22 in a recenty crashed fd ch1

Now is 27:

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nah totally gucci lul. doesnt really matter to me bruh.

so basicly its only this gold anvil is the soruce of bug??
i heared it has to do with login in and out…

I think the source of the bug is the skills that crash channels which is rouges capture and druids transformation.

Person upgrades, if it fails, they crash the server… when a server crashes it rolls back which means it is returned to the “unfailed” state and do it until it succeed… which then you can also use it for other purposes like, trade talts to your friend, friends goes out of channel, crash the server, get back the talts but the talt that you gave your friend willl not disappear which means infinite silver. I’m not sure this is how it works but i think that this is how they do it.

They can probably solve the high + equips exploits by only allowing upgrading on towns then making skills not allowed on towns

AFAIK the bugs works that way: You try to enchance, if you fail, you crash the channel and go back in time, reapeat until succeed.

The vídeo above is the moment that him succeed, all fails was conveniently left out.

so only druids can do it right now?


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HAHAHAHA have any good recommendations? I played PSO2 but its getting boring and SEA is a wasteland