Tree of Savior Forum

Possible Shadowmancer build

Tested w1-cryo3-sorc3-shadow2, full spr today at DG 300 and HG 340…

And it goes pretty nice, nice damage, nice control, nice sustain (since frost pillar pull mobs from you and froze them) and almost never runs out of SP (just once :joy: ) but since i keep farming at Operor spawn (near entrace) i do have some “problem” with them since they spawn really fast and my TS/netherbovine didn’t kill them fast enough and since i don’t have linker in my build (and felt that link would improve much more the final damage), but nothing that a frost pillar solve <3
But i fell like i need another sorce of damage… i was thinking in using another build, but since i want linker in my build, i can’t decide between:

-W3-ele3-wl1-shadow2 (really big AoE and really nice damage, but no linker)


-W3-ele3-linker1-shadow2 (with linker, so AoE shadow thorn yey, but i don’t know if wl would be better…)

**P.S: If one of those builds goes well, i don’t know if i should use full SPR, full INT or a mix of SPR and INT…

I really like shadowmancer, but i don’t wanna use him as only farmed and i think shadow needs another sorce of damage from other classes, since if you are fighting with many flying types, you’ll need some help eventually…

And sorry, but my english it’s horrible :sweat_smile:

EDIT: Forget it, this build it’s horrible… much more mana hungry, really low defense, really low damage… i use the same equip from w1-cryo3-sorc3-shadow2 and i can’t even farm safe as the previous build…