Tree of Savior Forum

Popular class paths?

Hello. I’m a new player and I’m looking for a good build path for wizard. Most information avaliable seem kinda old and now I’m not really sure what to trust.

Could anyone give me some explanations about popular class paths and builds? The fun gameplay one. I’m not really sure what to choose…

I really like to support and AOE. Is the chronomancer too low on damage?

Please, give me some suggestions.

Thanks a lot for reading!

Chrono is a support build not focused on much damage. If you want massive aoe you should try out plague doctor, you can go full int plague doctor for more damage or full spr for still great aoe along with buffing your party. Plague doctor is down the cleric tree though.

The class build ranking page can give you a general idea of what’s popular at the moment.

From there you can look into the classes used and see if any appeal to you, before drilling down and researching the build.