I will give it some days, hopefully the attribute discount last longer than my token wait
Good luck. I totally forgot about the discount.
Hmm… I don’t know. Yep, that is my answer.
Which do you normally eat?
- Breakfast.
- Brunch.
- Lunch.
- Dinner.
- Midnight snack.
0 voters
Maybe a breakfast if I’m up that late early and I skip the midnight snack.
how could you do that too poor snack D:
it wanted to be on your mouth and inside you and you are thinking of skipping D:
shame on you
Time to ask a different person: @STAFF_John Is there a way to check if Medakia Metal Decoration drop in the Orsha server or if am wasting my time causethe items isn’t ingame yet?_?
^ what the hell happened to the posts before this one D:
darn it you made me double post
#Are you watching Awesome Games Done quick (AGDQ) 2017?_?
- NO
- What is AGDQ?_?
0 voters
if you aren’t I hope you give it a quick check
if you have no idea what is is… please move out of that planet or dimension
@Melon @MomoPeach @Tessellated @LunariseOrenji
#What is Games Done Quick?
Games Done Quick is a bi-annual charity gaming marathon. Volunteers play games at incredible speed (“Speedrunning”) for entertainment.
The event is streamed live online, non-stop, and all donations go directly to the charity. This is our winter event, and we have a summer event around the beginning of July
The Deleter < god that names is stupid even when I type it D:] is making me look like a spammer
#Are you excited for today’s Ninterndo Switch presentation
- NO
0 voters
Not really.
It looks neat, but, I hardly would buy it on its launch, and would need to give it a few months or weeks before looking into it, see if I like it or not, and then make a decision to buy it.
Bonus Stars.
- On.
- Off.
0 voters
I really tried to, but, I didn’t understand… I am probably really stupid
It’s ok. You’re not stupid.
I’m just being really vague~
Always go for Bonus Stars.It could win you the game.
I don’t really get why a game like Mario Kart would still be split screen on the Switch if everyone has their own screen.What is that about?
Personally,I’ve wanted a PS4 for a long,long time.KH3,FF15 and 7,Atelier titles I’ve missed and DoA Xtreme Fortune 3
Didn’t know that!
Anyways i do have it for the wii u so i won’t buy it again, tho i’ll miss on the inklings as playable characters…
After the presentation was over i knew i would buy a switch tho, that Zelda made me so ha… happy!
Also is it the first one with voice acting right? Can’t wait to play it~
I did play FFXV and i have to say that even though it feels unfinished it is an amazing game. Worth every euro.
I’m also waiting for KH3, it will be a must buy!
Who knows, nintendo might release it for the switch!
Many games. Little money.
(Since you talked about Atelier)
Voted no because there was only 1 vote on yes. Have to be that person.
it’s probably spit only if there aren’t enough switch around connecting to each other
I mean you can link 8 consoles together
A monster girl of this
- It would be so beautiful.
- The ■■■■ tutu ass ■■■■.
- girl will swing her arm and flay me to death with light weight cute pink barbed stinging stringy thingies hanging from arms slowly tearing off my skin bit by bit while being injected with venom each time and when i am paralyzed i get raped while still being flayed on my stomach chests and back while arms held back with electrifying feeling flowing through my arms into my body FLAYYY that’s my fetish
- Pink fluff ball girl?
- I fear for my genitals.
- If the stingers are consciously controlled then sure.
- No.
- Can it be a dude?
0 voters
shouldn’t the pink fluff ball girl just be a female kirby