Tree of Savior Forum

[POLL] 💊 What do you think will help the game gain more players, even if temporarily?

Dang good catch! Totally forgot about that, and I’m one of those players. :smiley:

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Advertising of iToS!
Hopefully, after the mass-optimization and class rebalance patches.

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I don’t think there is any way to bring a lot of players back in one patch at this point. The only way to grow the game is to actually improve it with relatively large, sweeping design changes, keep the players still playing from quitting and attract old and new players back. A lot of the things on this list are really things that only people still playing or that stuck around for a while and quit will care about. New players, or those that quit within the first month or two, aren’t really going to care about a class rebalance for a game they don’t play, or rank 9, or most of this other stuff. That’s all still important for retaining current players but it’s not going to grow the game. There’s no one simple solution. ToS has a lot of problems.


I think one of the massive return of players would be the nerf to necro, so no more afk necro grind, added with maybe a sanction to all those who used it (but since it was okay for imc it won’t happen)


Too bad it’s a year too late and the legal botters have already completely ■■■■■■ the economy.


Many unsolved matters are absent for improving or to change that are not named in this message (as PK’s system or one to avoid Bots and Goldsellers), nevertheless I must say that the principal points yes that contains them. If you ask me, the points that it(he,she) urges more of solving sound those modals to Ranks’s system (classes, we need that really we could use this 80 + classes and not only the last ones), the mistakes, the terrible optimization (seriously, up to the Final Fantasy XIII or Such of Berseria of PC it me works better) and in last instance, the Token (I understand that a user-no-token could not exchange objects with other accounts(bills) or players, that it does not have the extra of xp or that lacks an entry of more to the dungeons, but of there to preventing it from could not to use the Team Storage - They are the objects of the user-, only an object on market - it seems that Cough uses an almost medieval economic system-, and to finish off, to run as the horse of the villain of the movie …)

I am not going to spread, after everything we will have fireworks, petards and … more motives for leaving this game of fabulous exposition, but terrible company. I leave a link to another message that I did on the Rank (that topic of the Agny Necklace). Certainly, it seems to me to be sadly curious (with all respect) that great people prefer something useless (information about Rank 9, first that solve the system and the available classes. It is useless, especially to attract new players … only for those that already are 330 and do not have anything to do in his life. I do not say that it would not be bad, but after others things).

P.D: Certainly, someone knows of some enterteining RPG online (whitout pays, I am bad of $$$ - I repent paying often the preview of ToS-) that does not have too many limits (or do not be so inconvinient as ejem, Cough)?. I am thinking of returning to the RO2 or to the Aion seeing the panorama. Do you know if they have solved the problem of the FPS (RO2)?.
Class Balance

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Nothing will help the game gain more players at this point.
-Those who quit aren’t looking for a new class/rank content and grindfest only to get disappointed by the time a new class or rank came
-Optimization and patches might be a good idea but people are so fed up with the devs and their bs restriction.
-The sense of unfairness will overwhelm people if some patches re-work with the core gameplay. be it rank reset,rework skills/build/class,and many more.
you wouldn’t expected someone who got stabbed in their back will show their back at the same person again.

sometimes pulling the plug might be the best decision. Rework all the content until it’s enjoyable and start a new one or none at all. Increasing people temporally and the game will die slowly and painfully over the time.


As much as I would love rank 9 reveal I think it’s still too early for that. I really hope their focus is on improving the current game systems and balance before they release that which would probably mean rank 9 is still far away. Hyping up players months before releasing something would be awful. :stuck_out_tongue:
For the sake of not repeating the horror of what rank 8 release was I’m assuming rank 9 comes after summer.

I agree they really need to make big and important changes to start gaining the trust of current player base so people could actually start recommending this game etc.
Their reputation is too low for large player comebacks, hopefully they will keep improving the game and are able to change that around to the extent of being able to have a healthy playerbase.


Yep i know, prices skyrocketed and all because of that :confused:

This game has so low graphic and optimization compare to 21st century video games. And plus bunch of bug.

As i said, one of the tragedy about this game is that whenever a bug appears, IMC chooses to remove the feature, instead of fixing it.
Imo, no matter what the game do, adding more events ot custome, the game will shut down very soon

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What they want is lower population pool with more whales.
More Profit with Lower Operation Cost

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I also wish they could rework some things so they can add content for all ranks or in general gameplay. Hunting Grounds is kind of like this but still is kind of limited and gets old fast for people who already have good gears for all level ranges.


We also need more non-leveling stuff. Social stuff like player housing. Wildstar has such a system.


Game hardly has any publicity, and those who are here is because of RO. So, advertisement targeted to gamers who didn’t know RO would help, I believe.

Another thing, a very important one, many players are leaving because new items came and the old ones lose their value. For example, three months ago virtov was the big deal, it was really hard to get, now nobody wants it, same is happening to lolopanther, and will happen to solmoki in a few months. Orange weapons were hard to get until last week. So, what I’m trying to say, it feels a waste of time to try to get this items if then they’re easy as hell. Leveling is another issue, now you can get a 330 character in a week, it just feels unfair for us, players who have been here from the beginning, and does not stimulate to keep playing.

Now, for example, imagine they reword the transcend system and from night to day becomes far more easy, How would you feel if you invested around 400kk in transcending your items? It makes you want to play something else, as simple as that.

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Virtov has always been trash imho, it was a 3000-4000 hp upgrade over white equip that costed 200k for a full set.

told u all already… more ass cracker to u
and commandloadphail will hunt us again
totally legit cube and gear also coming
tolly legit imc… well played~!!


Plot twist: Yuri and Leticia are G.I.R.L.s (Guy In Real Life) :smiley:


GAIN more players not retain the ones it already has?
Then ■■■■ like rank 9 is a waste of time. Most players will fuking leave long before they reach rank 9, most people aren’t rank 8 and Im almost 99.999% positive the overwhelming majority of people left before actually reaching rank 7.

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