Tree of Savior Forum

Pls help with Kino wizz 3 kino 3 ideas!

Hello, i wanna do a wizzard focused on kino,i’m looking so many build and i found some ppl talking about wizz 3 and kino 3 but…
What is the idea of going kino without cyro?? Psychi pressure is worth it?

I was thinking about something like wizz 3 kino 3 and cyro 1 but idk if worth leave all kind of rank 7 and 8

pls help

If you build Cryo-Kino with the main idea is PP+Ice walls combo, forget it!
Let’s consider Wiz3-Kino3 in PvE:

  • Your main damage skill: Psychic pressure & Gravity Pole. The other one is Magic misscle (helpful early).
  • Self-buff: Surespell (both PP & GP are channeling); Quickcast attribute (50% damage). Unsure: Reflect shield prevent “push back” / “knockack”.
  • CC skill: PP & GP (damage skills & CC) / 15s with PP and 10s with GP, Magnetic Force (a little bit useful), Sleep (15s), Raise (10s), Telekinesis (sometimes helpful).
    In PvP: any Kino3 with/without wiz3 is good at PvP, it’s main function of this character.

Thank u for reply,
But Pp without icewall really work? its a good dmg? the range is not too short? (almost melee)

Level 5 or lower level in Ice-walls is good at rank 3, decent at 100~175 (maybe upto 190), but too weak after 200+ PvE content.
Within short range, you got stun attribute (it’s awsome, seems to perma-stun) & others CC skill like Raise (in case mobs immu to stun).

Range is short like melee. Unreliable on bosses since they’ll just knock you down and you can go back to auto-attacking waiting for cooldown.

So do u think i can find partys without any rank on cryomancer?
will be easy to lvl up solo too?

I was thinking about wizz kino wizz( cast cancel) kino kino wizz(quickcast) or maybe instead of quickcast cryomancer… but i want a build focused on kino, i love that class

and thank u so much for trying to help

Even with/without 1 rank cryo you wont be invited, that’s sad xD. Unless you are cryo3, then…maybe.

Not too hard

Wiz 3 Kino 3 here
I’m currently at 193 and from my experience its pretty fun to solo with this char, if you have the stomach to endure wiz 2, kino 1, and kino 2.
you’ll have no problem going solo for most of the quest especially if you build a high con / full con char. The fun starts at wiz 3 (briefly) then sucks so bad til kino 3 (oh yeah). With attributes and the right gear, you probably gonna do decent Singular and AoE damage WHILE CCing most of the mobs.
However, you’ll suck on bosses ( both dungeons and missions) until you reach kino 3 where you’ll do a pretty decent number IF you know where to place your character (so PP and GP do the full cast)
as a bonus, i’ll breakdown how i feel my char perform for each rank
Wiz 1 : ez, auto attacks will do
Wiz 2 : you’ll have no survival problem if you put your stats into con, but it may take a while to kill bosses (especially if you only put 1 point in energy bolt like me), save 10 of your skill points for Magic Missile and Quickcast
Wiz 3 : the first few levels you’ll feel overpowered. MM combined with QC attributes will easily wipe a map even if you go full con. The downsides are, MM is the only offensive skill worth casting (so when its on cd, you can only wait and circle the mobs) and you’ll feel lesser than other classes in the first dungeon (cast QC, MM then run around til its off cd)
Kino 1 : Probably the most gruesome rank of this build, you get 1 more medium-damage offensive skill (PP) but really really unrealiable, decent singular target dmg and CC skill in telekinesis, and some fun with teleport and swap. I recommend to save 5 points for PP in kino 2
Kino 2: most boring phase ever. place 1 value point in Magnetic Force. Save at least 10 points for rank 3 (i personally save 12 or something to max PP, GP, and put some in Raise). You’ll feel really underwhelmed in Siauliai. The good news is, once you reach 150ish and start to grind in Demon Prison, this build do really good damage while keeping you from receiving them (by stunlocking the mobs)
Kino 3 : the eternal fun begins. With addition of GP, you’ll have no long downtime in dps (especially if you’re capable of casting full PP and GP) and Raise the dangerous mobs. On bosses, youll start to do good damage with GP from afar.
For the numbers, with my current gear (Ignition + Ledas), QC, and 25 level and 30 level attibutes for GP and PP respectively, both ticks around 2.5k - 2.7k.

And rank 7. I haven’t decided yet, Warlock is the safe choice, FF being the most risky and RC if you like some Rune of Destruction and Justice.

Hope this helps.

thank u so much for all the anwers <3

Thank u this helps a lot!, So seems a hard way through kino 3 haha… but i have a question for u… do u regret something? u are just able to leveling up solo? its good on pvp?

Wiz3>Psych3 at full CON has no trouble doing quests. Bosses would take a bit more time but that’s fine.

I tried to guild war with this build, so far so good.

There are two ways to get the circles.


I did the latter and was very happy the moment i got to Rank 5. You only have PP for damage but you have surespell so it’s very effective.

No, I dont regret this at all. In fact i’m really glad how my char turns out.
Leveling solo isn’t a problem at all. It won’t be easy to kill bosses, but they won’t kill you easily either. Other than that, you’ll breeze through the other type quests. I’m doing the 1:1 int con build (i think this is the perfect mix for my char to do both PVE and PVP). Since you don’t have that many spells to cast, sp pots from quests are sufficient to maintain your mana til 190s (personal experience) where you’ll able to farm silver easily (i personally love Demon Prison 2)
In comparison, I have a swordman companion while leveling (Swordman-Pelt-Hop3-Dop, with high STR build), even with all of my initial stat points going to CON (i put con in the first 100 levels then INT all the way to 190s) my friend can’t out-dps me except on bosses, and he dies easier (i watch him die a lot from mobs when i can just stunlock them to death). Even more, a same level INT-invested Wiz3-Ele3’s Frost Cloud tick about 2.7k-3k which is just a little bit more than my GP and PP, while mine is doing damage AND CC mobs.
I can’t comment on PvP and GvG since i have yet to try them (probably in the near future) but it should work really well (i’m putting more points into teleport, who doesnt love the idea of a wiz tele into a group of ppl and raise them all)
I always believe TOS is the kind of game where you have to put good foundation of classes into your characters to be able perform well and be relevant in the future ranks.

With all the nerfs on Kino3 on kTOS, would it stil bel viable in PVP?