Tree of Savior Forum

Please stop letting people put shops so close to npc's and statues

First off i play with a controller, so this is a very big issue for me and i wont lie i get extremely fustrated at how often this happens. every time i go to the storage npc or to the klepedia statue and press my button on a controller BOOM i open some ones shop instead and sometimes it happens back to back because there are so many shop characters hoarding on top of said npc or said statue PLEASE imc patch this out because it is extremely fustrating and some days i wont even log in if im frustrated because i know tht will piss me off more i know the players are part to blame because their being jerks trying to force u to use their shop. so i ask please can u patch it so people can NOT open shops on top of or even near npcs and the fustration will end


Time ago was an addon for mouse players to fix the target legth, wonderland or some like that. maybe now some addon can fix this problem.
Unfurtunately imc never care about this kind of problem/sugestions

well then fk the playerbase right lol why appease them xD

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Yep ussually its more easy Just change the Chanel or the kind of control. Mouse player Have the same problem when some stem over an npc its imposible click it and you Have to change to keyboard to warp or open the market

this is as old as the game and there are many ways they can prevent shops near NPC and statuesā€¦

non has been used and I have no idea why :expressionless:

Honestly,they should something bc its annoying as a mouse mode player to change to keyboard and change back or change channel .

Not a major thing but, I noticed this too earlier. It is hard to click the NPCs with all those shops covering it. I observed it also, just after the July 10 Patch, when you click an NPC, your character will move near it, ends up covering the entire NPC in ā€˜mouse modeā€™.

Hoping we can get a fix patch for this :sad:

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As a mouse mode player, +1 to this. Sometimes I have to switch momentarily to keyboard mode just to interact with the storage or market NPCs, or change to a less crowded channel (that doesnā€™t have the best player shops).

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SHIFT+CLICK = Ignore player

Hire me, Iā€™m available for freelance IMC

I hate assholes who openned their shops on the roof near the market npc @Klaipeda since about 1-2 months ago IMC gave me some problems when jumping and couldnā€™t just jump back to that roof (which made me had to go around it to go to the teleport) so i didnā€™t want to drop down to talk to merchant npc but the god damn shop was interfeering :C

Just port(copy) a ā€œSelect/Useā€ keybind line from keyboard to mouse config, set it to convenient button and be happy thereafter.


Thisā€¦ actually worked. Thanks a million for the suggestion.

Please fix Mouse Mode IMC :slight_smile:

People AFKing after doing Saalus end up covering the NPC and other players cannot enterā€¦