Tree of Savior Forum

Please rise up the level difference

Please, this need to be risen up. My friend is just level 10 levels more than me and we can’t go on party , cause I just don’t win almost no exp =/.

Some topics say that from 0~~20 level of difference from member party there is no penalty exp from party but it’s not what is happening on the real game.

I don’t know what the true gap is, but at least 20 level is the necessary… 10 level too few… the major point of the game is playing with your friends and if a little difference don’t let this happen then it isn’t funny at all.

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I definitely agree with this improvement
Either this idea or make the other suggestion from another thread about a mentoring system / a system where you can help a lower level friend

Though if I were to choose between the two, the latter would definitely be the best course of action :+1:


Well both are basically the same, the main problem is, many want rewards for helping lower levels, but if its to stick only to friends using it i think its fine.

Yeah I pretty much think just that much is fine or smth like exp scaling on it

Something probably like 80% of the exp goes to the person being mentored and 20% goes to the person who is mentoring. But that 20% is supposed to be 20% of the average amount of exp from mobs/boss of the level range of the mentor.

This way, the mentor would still be rewarded for mentoring which is just like plain grinding on current level range but helping a friend as well.

Which would fall on that suggestion of making the game scale the char level according to the map level like in GW2, but then again, depending on how it is implemented, we would see lots of higher level players mentoring on lower areas because of the exp or map population.
That’s why i suggested to make the stats/gear stats/skill level/Ranks be scaled to the said level, that would avoid high level chars being OP in low level areas even with their levels down.

Yeah exactly
That sort of thing would totally complement the system :+1:

When I help my friend, I have no problem for receiving no exp.
But it make no sense for my friend getting no exp either…

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The party system still messed up i think, i don’t think the exp distribution selection is working either so we cant be sure which one is selected and if its working as intended.

When in a party with a player 20 or more character levels above you, the exp that you acquire is cut in half. However, as you are not in a party like this, I am betting you are setting Party EXP to “By level”. What this does is split the EXP gained from monsters between the members of the party based on their levels. Unfortunately, this system favors the higher level members. This means that if someone 19 levels above you kills a monster (let’s say it gives 100 exp), they will receive 99 exp while you receive 1.
Set Party EXP to “Equal” and I am certain your problem will be solved.

No… the problem have persisted until I decide to going on solo and ask to my friend wait some time to I reach a lower gap between us.

theoretically this should happens as you sayed, when theres a difference of 20 or more level, but as ive saw when the difference is 10 or more there is a huge exp penalty … Dunno if IMC have modified this , but until last week this still going on…