Tree of Savior Forum

Please make a glitch again, I need to attend and receive my rewards

Is this what you are teaching the whole community, rewarding those who abused the glitch, and honest players get nothing?

KKKK, IMC your biggest mistake is to be afraid of losing player and so you will end up losing a game.


They are so afraid of losing players that they reward the dishonest instead of rewarding the honest. Beautiful lesson are giving to the players. Basically they are saying: Go there, you can be dishonest, I reward you for it.

Congrats IMC :sweat_smile:


I dont think that. All the drops were easy when the dpk buggd. So EVERYONE that played on THAT DAY is dishonest. nice thinking :smiley:

To give people who abused the glitch (and everyone knows that they did’t even suspended all players that abused), they just make a rogue maintenance, with a 10 min warning. Lost all my EXP buffs + Dungeon Multipliers. And seriously, what is about this rewards?

Yeah, It won’t take long to overall population start to decline hard again. IMC is not dealing with the situation how it should.

Personally, I’m one that don’t fell like been IMC’ed again, might just leave the game for good.

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Stop embarrassing yourselves.

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The situation is not this, but to compensate who used the glitch minimum and who was honest and did nothing, not receive anything, you see?

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many ppl stay with DPK BUGED itens too and received all compensation :smiley: GREAT IMC!!

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Playing the game is now considered dishonest folks. You heard it here 1st.

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This is just false.
I quested from grynas to the 290 dungeon that day
Didn’t find one bugged drop.
So Unlucky me I get no free stuff


they should just given everyone this compensation tbh.


I feel like it might be time to google ToS Hook and ToS bot, IMC might give me some free stuff for cheating.

false? hahahaha sorry, but i could drop every items i was looking for… HGs boxes, head costumes, a lot of materials (like gold bar and mithril ore) in like 1 hour, so, sorry, the drop was too easy :wink:

give everybody the letica cube 10 +1

Now I know IMC is out of their mind. Glitch abusers gets rewarded while honest and law abiding players gets nothing.

Words cannot describe how flabbergasted I am at IMC’s brilliant decision to make this happen.

Whats next, bots getting compensated for getting banned? Lol


How should they have dealt with it?

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