Tree of Savior Forum

Please let premium users bypass the server queue

Please let premium users bypass the server queue


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The problem with this would be that since this is the headstart EVERYONE is a premium user that paid for the game

10$ package is not premium included

Lol, ok i see what you mean… i really hope people won’t get to read this post or you’re going to be killed from the 10 dollar users xD

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The server queue exists for a reason.

But if it’s a matter of who paid more, then we should change it so whoever bought the most founder packs get to bypass others in the queue.

So if you paid $50 and I paid $90, then me and everyone else who paid $90 get to bypass you and everyone else who paid $80 / $60 / $50 / $40 / $30 / $10 and you’re equal in the queue line with whoever else paid $50.

Sounds fair right? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)