Tree of Savior Forum

Please improve the User Interface (suggestions in post)

I refuse to use Mods. In fact, I refuse to use anything that modifies the original game. However, most of my friends use them for UI enhancement because the current UI is terrible. Please fix and improve the following:

  1. Please add Lock-on target for Mouse mode

  2. Please fix selecting objects with mouse mode. (have to change to
    keyboard mode for many quests)

  3. Please change the CHAT UI. There is no reason why whispering needs to be so complicated. There is no reason why we can’t turn off chat filter.

  4. Please give us an option to make pets unable to target.

  5. Allow us to change the size of the UI including the hotbars, quest menu, chat menu, etc.

  6. Allow us to move the UI.

  7. Give us the option to make map transparent.

  8. Fix the map and world map lag. There is no reason why it should lag so much when opening the map or world map, specifically trying to drag it.

  9. Please give us the option to see specific EXP on the exp bar as well as how much exp we get when we kill a mob/boss.

  10. Please allow us to change the collection window to list mode.

  11. Please make it so when we want to set a specific key to a function, it will remove the previous keybind. (currently, if you use a key that is already set to another function, it just stops working instead of give a warning or remove previous keybind)

  12. Allow players to change keybinds for controllers.

  13. Please display Question marks on top of NPCs or objects that have quests available.

  14. Please add a search feature on the map so we can find specific locations that we’ve already visited.

  15. Please add a symbol next to the name of the location on the world map for collection completion.

  16. Please change undiscovered area on map to a color that is easier to see and customizable, especially for colorblind people.

There is so much more elements that will improve the game experience dramatically, but I think these are the crucial ones.

Again, I do not want to use mods just to improve my game experience. Please change these things so I don’t have to. Thank you!