Tree of Savior Forum

Please IMC watch this

Please IMC watch this video. You will understand what is the fun we want, why ppl party together in mmo, how loot mat/gears can have sense. I dunno, create the university of fun and discuss with mmo dev’ in your country to finally understand what’s wrong. Crossing a world without any threat can’t be fun. Tasteless daily instanced things can’t be fun. Look at this video, guys are doing a party spontaneously to clear “hard” low lvl monsters because in the end of the road there’s a treasure chest. That’s all we need, something enough hard we can enjoy with ppl and having fun opening a chest. Who cares of super overpowered legendaries, who cares about your instanced raid, or the weekly boring bosses. We want each step outside of a city beeing a thing…


I played classic wow 1-2 years ago i found a chest protected from some kobolds.
My rogue couldn´t beat them and they find me in stealth.

So i wait a bit another player apear fight the kobolds i took my chance go stealth and grab the loot in the chest and run away.
It was mean but it was fun and roguelike.

Sadly i don´t think the kids today would like games like classic wow…


Normal mob and boss was harder til many cried. So that’s not what everyone want.

You want harder early game, just don’t buy buff in town.


First thing, early game is a joke, with or without buff, try it yourself.
Second thing, give me one late game content, that is actually hard (don’t bother looking for it, it doesn’t exist)

I agree right there that leveling should be a part of the fun, and not a chore that is better done alone.

I remember first ICBT was, for me, so much fun, people partying everywhere, xp growing up slow, every map being useful.


Dead game you don’t do party in early game anymore. People still party for higher level content.

Tell me your idea of end game content. Eventually it’s all about about pvp gvg.

Exactly, it’s all about PVP/GVG because PVE is a fkin joke

I like both aspects in a game but i barely even log in to do anything else than feud and GTW these days because there’s no challenging/fun/interesting PVE, so i’m kinda playing other games for the PVE part

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i want a fun game…you can make fun in endgame; if you played Ragnarok, do you remember Bio-lab?

“just don’t buy buff” /tiredpopo

i don’t even think the pvp endgame is fun and a good design (hello boruta). Yesterday i spoke with my old mates i left, i asked them why do they aim for cities, why cities are important, i wanted a fight for klai with a all in…but they secured the two other town for 3m per week, and the answer were “prestige”. Dunno what to say to this. It’s all because imc doesn’t design around the fun. There’s no wipe anywhere, there’s no risk anywhere. This game is cute and class system i love it so much…but where’s the fun and the feeling playing an mmo? Now mmo are casu cause they want to grab more ppl (for $$$) but in the end ppl who doesn’t care about mmo will not come and ppl who cares have their fun destroyed.

I currently play a game where you can choose your end-game content. Fashion ? You can. Being a trader or crafter/making money ? You can. Focusing on housing ? You can. Different kinds of PvP you can do as much and as often as you want ? You can. Doing trials ? You can. Doing normal dungeons but with harder modes ? You can. Simply enjoying the world, exploring it, questing… ? You can.
TOS has a huge lack of content. Always had. That’s not because there’s “nothing” to do in MMOs, it’s because they never bothered looking at other games and try to find fun things for people to enjoy: whether solo or in a group.
Look at TOS over the years: the devs only know how to unlock a new zone with quests, increase level cap and then add new gear with that level cap you’ll need to farm. Even some Pokémon games are less linear than this.
Tell me, what’s the point of increasing forever the level cap ? Why can’t they just stop like they did for classes, and simply add a bunch of interesting sets with different abilities which could be good/usable for people depending on what content they want to do or what build they want to have ?
They can’t because they have absolutely no imagination and/or goal for their game.

There are several MMORPGs that are doing pretty well out there, and TOS isn’t one of them. Even it had the potential to because it managed to hype SO MANY people at the beginning. But it failed badly. There’s a reason for it.
There’s a reason why even the people who stubbornly stayed on the game and spent on it even after all the bugs, lags and abuses of the first two years ended quitting. FFS, even several of the most hardcore white knights ditched it or ended being one of IMC’s “haters”.
The only ones who are still staying are the ones who spent too much time to drop it now, the ones who don’t know what else to play, or the ones who like the cuteness/classes too much to ditch it.

PS: My account may be new-ish, but I played since this game’s CBT.


wow 2 tldr. Got legend raid soon, look forward to that :wink:

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