Tree of Savior Forum

Please IMC change sub-zero shield and reflect shield

I think this change is fine. its still a very good skill its just not a blanket skill that counters almost everything now.

Kino 3 get hard nerfs too but we don’t whine because they are good balances.
But Sub0 is different, they clearly trashed it to the ground. If anything they should give melee something to counter it not giving more advantages to the ranged ones (consider melee was/is bottom tier in pvp already).

PS: i play wiz 3 -kino 3 btw.


Also your 50% more damage from Quickspell Attribute will cut down the 75% to 25% less damage to Gravity pole.The nerf is hurting a lot Cryokino players and are either dealing with it,QQing,rerolling a Wiz 3 / Kino 3 / War 1 or quitting the game.

and he got raped w/o the ability to do anything.

that’s why this wasn’t a balance, as i said giving subshiedl a 10% chance to freeze was a rather good balance instead of this.

Clearly overnerfed. Now cryo can hardly freeze anyone and even with quick cast + ROI their dmg still so pitiful, srsly what’s the role of cryo in pvp now ? zoning ? but ele already better than that while giving lots of dmg.

After playing a lot of Korean MMOs I figured that they dont understand the meaning of “balance”. All they can do in their games is Buff a class so it become OP or nerf another that was op and make it useless, they rarely do something right when balancing.
I just hope IMC thinks a little more before bringing these changes to ITOS if they dont want more players leaving (Im not complaining about one change, but all the changes for pvp in general arent so good) and really think of a way to make the PVP balanced with all classes having their roles.

Because chaining together large amounts of cc is never good in pvp :unamused:

And my ice shield should obviously freeze people that fire arrows at me they touched that arrow that touched me so by extension they obviously touched me.

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They should totally freeze the owner of the pet that attacked them.

I also think that they overdid it a little, but I assume it matches to how long the skill has been abused :stuck_out_tongue:

The nerf to ice bolt was uneeded though.

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The arrow is touching the subzero shield and the arrow is not tied your body.So it make sense that magic and missile attacks don’t get effected bu subzero shield reflect damage and freeze.

Have you guys notice how Necromancer and Sorcerer A.I summons don’t get frozen nor damages by the subzero shield.The caster also doesn’t get the effect.

For melee players it make more sense to get frozen or damage reflect.

Im pretty sure the only reason people feel this way is because right now swordy is bad. Once swordsman gets brought in line with the other classes in terms of pvp i bet this skill will look real good again.

Like I said, I am not talking just about Subzero shield changes, but all changes in general, stop your selective reading. If u cant see that cryos are useles now after all the nerfs (-50% dmg from ice wall shards; no freezing with ice bolt and now the shield) your are just butthurt because u didnt know how to fight cryos before and are happy to see another uselees class in a game that should have diversity and all classes with their roles.
But again, im not saying that subzero shield shouldnt be changed like that, but now they took everything from the class without giving nothing to make it able to do what it was sopossed to do in PVP

As how it is I actually doubt so, freeze is quite toxic and hard to balance out without making it either trash or overpowered

This topic is about sub shield so thats what im going to discuss. Maybe you should try reading the topic?

Honestly i believe the real issue to be no diminishing returns on cc

How2Fight vs Cryo:

Run away for 45 seconds and wait until sub-zero is almost out, CC them immediately and kill them…That’s how you had to do it. Waiting 45 seconds to strike back isn’t a healthy way to counter something.

Once you get frozen you get perma CCed, that’s how it worked.

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If we consider the logics then atleast give the shield some chance to negating ranged attacks. It make no senses when arrows/spells just went though 4 rotating big ice shields like nothing isnt it ?

Well, not point trying to point things out for someone like you, stay in thinking inside your box and saying that nerfing classes to the ground is a good thing.

The bottom line is that IMC did the nerf so either deal with it,reroll a new character or quit.The change happen in Ktos you still got a lot of time to decide before it comes to iTos.

Not to mention that they may reconsider and make the nerf less punishing in the next patches.

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^ True so don’t panic nor QQ my little cryo friends :joy:,hope is around the corner.