Tree of Savior Forum

Please help me with my post reset build

so i ve been thinking about playing a wizard for doing solo pve but i dont wanna have to spend all my money in potions and i guess that a Featherfoot build is the answer but i dont know wich one of these build is better so can you guys help me to choose?

If you just want to save yourself from red pot, just 1 rank of ff is enough. The most popular build in the moment would be w3/ele3/wl3/ff, or variants on wl3/ff.

But if you desire to go without blue pots too, I would pick wiz3, thaum3, sorc3, ff. And build around full spr

I’m using wiz2>link3>thauma3>ff2 for solo pve. Could do well as support in parties and kill mobs for double loot too. Full SPR for no SP pots as well. With linker3 I could kill card album boss monsters with spirit shock.

That FF build should be fine. Ele/FF don’t require much SP, and you get FF healing for HP.

A Necro3/FF2 SPR build? Interesting…I wonder how effective it is.