Tree of Savior Forum

Please fix item dupe exploit

As some of you may know, there’s an item duping exploit people are using atm to get silver fast, that’s why there are some people running around low lvl with fking +10 all equips and lvl 100 Attributes, the method has been revealed on orsha shout chat as well as 4chan vg posts, really hope Imc notices it and fixes it ASAP, I wouldn’t even mind a server wipe, it has too much potential to ■■■■ the game up

it’s a no-brainer ban for blizzard and NCsoft. Let’s see how IMC handles it.

the one on vg is obviously fake…its a joke. jesus christ

well, there is a silver exploit, and if stuff stay as it is, we will only see any change tuesday =*(

if they dont release the banhammer and fix stuff faster ill start to lose my faith in this game


Honestly, if there’s no fix and roll back.

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What? Where? If thers one im probably quitinf

How far would they roll back? The method posted means that it could have been abused since day 1…

The damage has already been done, how do you even revert all the trades that occurred because of this exploit?

imc is damned no matter what they do at this point. I guess I’m still secretly hoping all this is a hoax. But if you’ve ever thought to yourself “I can’t believe imc (the company) could be so stupid”. Then it’s not a huge leap to realize this exploit is more likely to be real than not…

The best solution is hunt down those that did the exploit to begin with and ban them, no warnings straight up ban. They’re as awful as RMT and should be purged…

If you rollback you’re going to undo the work of several players that had nothing to do with the exploit… That will not end well.

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There’s actual proof now that it exists?