Tree of Savior Forum

Please explain backmasking!

I know you go back in time but what does this skill restores ?


restores everything to what it was.

even if a party member died, you backmask and they’re alive again

Cooldowns, enemy position… everything ?

A. Moves enemies around.

B. Revives teammates, sometimes.

No CD reduction. No enemy revival, including bosses. 10,000 per use.

Anything in range of the skill will be placed back 10 secs before, unless it’s a dead enemy.

  • It does revive dead allies

  • It does move alive enemys back to their first position (including HP), and/or aggro

  • It does remove ground skills

  • It does move around allied players

  • It does not reduce/reset CDs

  • It does not revive dead mobs, nore bosses

  • It does not rewind failures of upgrading gear/weapons

  • It does not remove looted items from a fallen and ressed ally

frankly speaking this skill has been nerfed much and never buffed. its real purpose ended up to be an “emergency” skill… I barely use it. 10k silver is too much for trolling as well.

Is this skill still this good???

Erased enemy magic ground sound very very very good!!!

Just imagine in tb if enemy use Safety Zone orcast heal tiles when his HP low… And i use BM…and he will be so helpless… Omg i love this skill

well … You can just use a thaum2 and insted of paying 10k silver for a 4 min cd skill that do that … You could just steal safetyzone/heal tile and whatever around with 3 overcharge and way lower cd
Also when you steal healtile … They turn into no attribute heal and damage insted of healing the ennmie (prettty funny when you got it at the right moment)