Tree of Savior Forum

Please DO NOT give us the new Leticia's cube!

IMC you are going down the wrong path! Instead of getting temporary quick funds from players via a p2w gamble, stabilise the game! Get income from long-term playing players instead!

PLEASE do not give us the new Leticia’s cube! WE DO NOT WANT OUR GAME RUINED BY PAYING TO WIN

To everyone who has legitimately got themselves an orange 315 weapon through hard work and hard-earned silver. It IS NOT fair that people with a wallet can bypass such a mechanic this easily!

This is not the direction IMC should be heading in! Their reputation is already shattered to pieces by the troubles this game has faced!

Please instead fix the games core issues! It would generate so much more revenue in the long-run if the game’s core issues were fixed!

i.e. Innovative boss mechanics (Not just spam aoe knockback) , Server de-sync issue, random crashes, GvG, PvP Balancing/game mode, DPK (remove it, give us % individual with dpk fail safe), bugs, and the list goes on

I have played this game since the very first minute it officially opened, it has pained me so much to see the game I was looking forward to, for years of development go down such a terrible path.

Nearly every other patch IMC does breaks something new, or changes something that was not in patch notes. Does IMC even take iTos seriously anymore?

They are killing their own game, it had so much potential when the game first came out, now it is like a +6 weapon with 1 potential left


@STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Letitia



what revenue, game isnt subscription based, 90% of players never spent any money, how u expect game to survive? they’re nice enuf to make token buyable on market, u need the remaining 10% of players to pay for game anyways, just give them something they will spend money on


IMC’s response to genuine players of this game :frowning:

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TOS wants to be another trashy crappy p2w “free2play” game.

When talk about P2W, we are arguing on:
Theoretical-able and Practical-able
At the end, whatever, those who doesn’t have time and willing to spend will fade out from this game eventually.
Letitia’s Cube is only cash-milking on damaging the game sustainability, it is cancerous, the root cause are Practo weapon and Transcendence.
They keep widening the power gap with money/hours, most peoples cannot afford both. At the end, GvG and PvP are only for elitists and it will less population, we don’t feel fun or want to be humiliated by whales/fulltime players who 1HitKO us, and whales also don’t feel fun because no target to show-off their wealth.

The long term gameplay effect of these cubes in terms of balance will actually be insignificant because eventually the level cap will be raised and pretty much all the P2W of the past (gear that was upgraded with diamond anvils, gear that was crafted with leticia recipes and practonium, etc) will have become obsolete.

It’s a pretty sneaky way to get lots of money from the P2W customers without having to worry about balance ramifications too much because it’s all going to be obsolete soon-ish anyways (R9 is probably going to be out within a year, really).

Next is instant rank 9 jump exclusive in the cube. Of course its not pay to win :upside_down:

Rather than temporary charge for a p2w gamble cube, if the game’s core features were instead fixed, new players would play, players would come back. TP would be bought for tokens/cosmetics.

I agree with cash shop, it should remain cosmetics only though, and players should NOT be able to use their wallet to purchase the best weapons in game. It simply isn’t fair.

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If they get away with it now, they will continue to do so in the future. it doesn’t matter if it will be obsolete, they are making their long-term playing players efforts obsolete by giving the second best gear in game away to anyone who has mommy’s credit card

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Obviously, anyone can get there without spending real money. :stuck_out_tongue:

I never said they wouldn’t continue to do it in the future. In fact, it’s almost certainly assured, especially now that they’ve seen how profitable it is. However, even in the future they will likely restrict it a bit to when they know it’s going to be obsolete soon.


Possibly they might just go full monty on the P2W instead, but if they end up deciding to do THAT, no amount of protests here or anywhere will stop them anyways.

even looking at him laughing is contagious xD

Gamble to win.

The costumes are MORE p2w than the cubes. People buying the cubes make less than the people buying costumes. They’re really not hurting the game, they’re making idiots gain less from their p2w attempts. Leticia’s cube is an idiot magnet.

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You mean this one?

Costumes are only cosmetic and doesn’t do anything to stats. So It’s an eye candy magnet? :confused:

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I’d say top quality sh1tpost but without autistic editing its just not dank enough.

Costumes = silver. You buy them and sell them on the market.

The guaranteed value of costumes is worth more than the average total value of drops from 200 cube opens.

Gamblers and people bad at math buy cubes. The other ways to p2w are better than the cubes are, and have existed for a very long time.

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I once played a gacha web-browser game that got the same economy as on ToS when it comes to costumes. But unlike ToS, that game uses trade, and by my experience, some people value their costume more than the other and tend to sell it higher / lower. Same principle when they want a costume item, the price differ depending on how badly they want the item.

Let’s just wait for other gacha and see how the costume trade will go :joy:

Youre missing out the fact that gem xp is way more accessable than before. Which Blessed cube does not contribute to.

You only need one abrassive to create an instant lvl 8 Gem, and seeing the markets with those for sale, has me wonder how many has been pulled in total.

You only need to pull 1 gem abrassive lvl 9 to make weeks of uphill seem like a waste of time, and lvl 9 abrassives has gotten really common for now.