Tree of Savior Forum

Please critique my solo farmer build

Hello, this is my solo farmer build. Any advice is appreciated. I thought aboubt Sorc but going I think I would lose alot of dmg going full SPR. Also, how useful is shrink body for farming or should I just put it all on swell body?

70 dex, 70 spr, rest INT

I don’t think you need SPR even when it scales with swell head. Rather put more dex into your build for faster attack speed. Or you can get dex from gears and go full INT for higher dmg. Full SPR is ok too but your dmg is quite lower than full INT. Or max dex and compensate INT and matk from gears.

So around 140 dex and rest INT? My ping is around 100-150 so I am afraid if I put too much in dex the attack speed wouldn’t go up that much. Maybe I should put around 50 in CON for durability?

you can try to max dex, mix dex and INT and max INT before the reset event ends then decide which build you like the most. If your ping is that bad then rather go full INT. I tried full INT before, you can try Jump+hit. It is kinda fun.

@Krystal Should I also max swell body or put a couple of point in shrink body like in the build?

There’s no need to max swell body, but you certainly could use more swell monsters. I personally dont think theres use for shrink body in thaumachanter build (prefer reversi, transpose and more levels on swell)

180 Dex rest in SPR. Int sux and with a decent weapon you can deal insane amounts of damage and your buffs (pyro thauma enchanter) scales with SPR.

You don’t need skills from linker reflect shield isn’t that great and there’s no need for shrink body. Hope it helps, also remeber swell brain then swell limbs.

New changes of Thauma make full INT give more dmg than SPR. Since you are an enchanter, not shadow or sorc, you dont need much SPR. It is my opinion, the final decision is still on you. :grin:

Would a shadow 2 actually be better for farming?

Cute costume and super powerful skills. That’s what i can say about linker thauma shadow 2. However SP consumption is very big.

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Any link to build? I can always chug SP potion if it’s better

thank you, I am going to test it out today. I am assuming it’s full SPR build

If you are currently full INT, test it first. Then use stat reset and try full SPR. I prefer full INT for linker thauma shadow 2. Full SPR normally is for Sorc shadow 2

Oh ok, thank you. Almost reset my stat lol

do u have any videos to compare?

cuz sweel brain have only spr scale, or a better scale with dont remember now

After trying Shadow2 i went back to Enchanter2 High INT
I couldn’t stand the fact i had to spend SP pots on a build specifically made to get me more silver.

my build is almost the same as yours

i’d put one point in flare anyway because it’s a good skill to taunt multiple enemies.
and really i’m farming with a faded pevordimas rod + dagger in teresh forest (3600 magic attack with all swell skills) and it’s really perfect.

so enchant > shadow for thauma farm build ?

Enchanter is surely cheaper and more versatile (since you can buff your party)
Shadowmancer hits hard, but costs a lot more to maintain