Tree of Savior Forum

Please Critique My Build! Wiz2LinkEle2Alc2

I typically play Tank or Healers because they’re always in high demand, but you have the most fun with Deeps, so I wanted to try that first.

I understand that this will take an eternity to bring to a reality. I’m going for high DPS in the early, but the alchemist is too cool to pass up!
My stats are literally pure INT right now, as it should be. Campfires and Potions are my SPR. I’ve heard that the scaling for EQ is not great, but it seems that none of the starting wizard skills are amazing. I found that sleep is not a wide area CC, while lethargy is pretty good at bringing the fight under control (plus it affects bosses). The sure cast buff might be necessary sometimes, but I find I can nuke groups pretty well for now.
The Linker is wonderful. full build, no extra stat points. not terribly useful party chaining, incredibly important monster chaining +hangman’s noose
Ele is all about the damage. The attributes and skill will pile it on, and the two grand magics only have 5 pts each, which is nice. It’s a shame I can’t get Rain because…
Alchemy! Briquetting seems like a crap shoot, so it might be good sometimes, but not nearly enough. Build an item up 12%, then bring it right back to where you started with less potential.
Item awakening is the most amazing thing. That you ToS, for Disgaea item worlds. Thank you.
Magnum Opus is of course required, and gem Roasting is a nice cheap way to get the best out of slotted equipment. I figure the damage from combustion won’t really compare to my Ele skills, but I put a few points into dig to speed up resource gathering. Tincturing should allow some cool potions, but I haven’t found a list that shows what you can make at specific skill levels.

with that build ur gonna have a really hard time advancing to circle 5.
Really dunno what advice to give for an alchemist build lol since its pretty much a dead end either way. Personally I would go for the build that would get you to alchemist the fastest which is wiz>pyro1>pyro2>link1>link2 (imo).
Wiz2 without wiz3 is pointless and ele 1 (and even ele2) without ele 3 is really weak.

You know, I’ve already made the leap to Wiz 2, and you’re right, it’s not great.
Also, quickcast is fine, but none of the spells really take that long to pump out. Surecast is similarly fine, but in good party configs, I hopefully won’t be pressed with aggro. Dungeoning solo it’s useful.
i agree, I think pyro is a great switch for Wiz2. that DOT wall and the variety other damaging continuous damage spells are solid. I

I’m lv 24 rn, so the grind is just starting. I’ll have some time tonight, so I might bang out your suggested build in the right order, just start fresh.
What make Ele 3 the bee’s knees?

Ele 3 shines only if you already have wiz 3.
Without wiz3 i wouldnt even consider ele 3 to be honest.
Ele skills: electrocute & hail take about 2.5 sec each to cast. When you are being chased by mobs, they are rather hard to pull off without quick cast.
Meteor is pretty useless without quick cast since lv1-2 meteor has very low aoe.
Then you realise without wiz3 youre also missing out on 50% damage potential.

Ele 2 isnt very popular because it 1. lacks frost cloud, which is ele’s signature skill (high ground x20 tick dmg, low cd, insta cast, respectable aoe). Also lv 10 electrocute & hail is kinda lackluster.

Back in CBT2 even when electrocute was bugged and quick cast short lived (lasted 9 sec i think?) i was massively out dpsed by a wiz3ele3, playing as wiz>cryo2>ele3. Cryos indisputably rapes in 1vs1 pvp tho.

Aaah, I already rebuilt last night to Pyro! I like the ground DOT and temporary damage “barriers,” The CD is not too great though.
I was also operating under that assumption that if you “skipped” a class, you could not go back and get it, eg. wiz-pyro, means no more chances for cryo, which I now see is wrong.
So now it seems like the thing to do is wiz3, link1, ele3?
I dunno. I think link is really important for some reason (before nerf), but ele and wiz have super valuable attributes and skills.
Can you point me to the 50% damage boost attribute for wiz? I don’t understand. Is link not actually worth it? it seems like it doubles up the damage for AOE attacks, which is a great combo for Pyro and Ele.

haha if youre gonna go wiz3 ele 3 you might as well do that first and then go warlock for c7.
Yes the 50% attribute bonus makes wiz3 quite powerful actually (wiz3 was buffed since cbt2).
Link got nerfed:
higher cooldown
shorter duration of tying mobs up

50% bonus literally means +50% damage with ANYTHING except basic attack.
Say youre a c3 elementalist casting frost cloud which hits 3k per tic for a total of 20 tics. Final damage on a mob = 60k. With quick cast attribute final damage = 90k. You can see how good it is.

Edit: Honestly, even if quick cast only had +50% damage and not 50% cast reduction… it would still be one of the best skills in the game. That it has both probably makes it The best skill, and of course you sacrifice quite a bit to get it.