- Reason for report :
Player shows complete disregard for the goal of everyone else in the party, in this case it’s to clear the entire dungeon for EXP before killing the boss. Player purposely rushes the boss, pulls it back to everyone else and consistently wipes us until boss dies, therein forcing everyone to miss out on valuable EXP. Once the boss is dead, the player (Ghibli) immediately closes their game via character selection in order to leave the dungeon, having received what they wanted. In this case their loot was the goal.
This happened TWICE in a row, both through matchmaking. No one was happy about it especially because Ghibli, the problematic player, refused to speak at all. It’s assumed S/he is a gold farmer due to the actions taken.
It should also be noted that the player in question was a much higher level than was necessary for the dungeon, which enabled them to do this to our parties both times.
- Server :
Orsha - Team Name :
Ghibli - Location :
Underground Chapel Dungeon (matchmaking) - Approximate date / time (EDT) :
6:00pm-6:30pm - Evidence
I’ve provided a screenshot of said player (Ghibli). Please excuse the language, we were all very upset to have this happen twice in a row.