Tree of Savior Forum

Player Abusing the Chat Game Code Third Player

But that issue is actually older than any of these chat abuse reports. And there’s also this: Please do an immediate action

A botter got only 30 days ban (which I think is proper punishment depending on the severity of botting). Don’t you think botting is way more severe violation than some stupid increased !! message font or even shouts?

I’m perfectly okay with chat abusers getting punished but I don’t understand handing permabans because of it. Especially when there’s these other cases where the punishments are way less severe. If you go with draconian rules, they should apply to all kinds of violations, not just relatively small ones.

More preferably the punishment and severity of crime should correlate. Currently I can only see negative correlation between the severity of violations and punishments and that’s what many players are complaining about. I believe many think these punishments are unjust and Max got way too trigger happy when handling these few reports. At least he should explain why he thinks these altered chat messages deserve such severe punishments and why they are ignoring or refusing to comment on that gold buyer who got caught red-handed.

As another player, I feel you, but one can be wrongly banned as a bot or being into RMT. You think that isn’t much until it happens to you.

IMC keeps stating that they would look further into each report and flag, but with the increasing number of reports they probably receive everyday I’m not sure if they still have sufficient manpower to manually review each so a temporary ban might be a bandaid solution. It lets those wrongfully banned to appeal, while actual botters won’t bother.

Using huge bolded text on the other hand is a pretty obvious offense, so obvious a simple screenshot is enough proof.

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Forums screwed something up and my reply got into wrong thread:

Apparently that’s not the case either. I haven’t bothered to test this myself though:

So unless they go and confirm it in the game, chances are people could currently create false reports to get permanent punishments to other players(?). This is purely my speculation though, I hope anything like that isn’t possible.

I trust that IMC do search and check the chat log of that reported player to confirm before striking him with the banhammer.

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"I’ve nothing better to do because I’m too lazy to do anything, oh look a guy with a bigger font than I do, let’s screenshot and make a forum post about it"
Welp, big deal.

Only in this case, it’s not “street thieves”: It’s a guy shouting real high with a megaphone and a guy holding a sign with real big letters in front of everybody. Peace disturbers, if you will. A misdemeanor at best.

What IMC - and you - are thinking is right is throwing peace disturbers in jail for a lifetime. Meanwhile, street thieves are getting a month in jail (like the botter who got 30 days of ban), and the bank robbers will keep at large for a long time.

Makes. No. ■■■■■■■. Sense.

EDIT: Also, comparing game exploits to real life crimes is somewhat of a bad analogy. :grin:

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Do you even understand what an analogy is? The subjects and the plot used are not meant to directly represent the actual situation.

Bank heist = big crime
Street theft = small crime

Big or small, both are still mistakes and should be punishable.

Now why IMC did what they did is not up to me. I didn’t violate anything but in case I am wrongfully banned for botting or doing RMT, I’d want the option to at least appeal because I have the right reason and enough proof that I wasn’t.

The use of huge bold text on the other hand is AN INTENTIONAL EXPLOIT and maybe IMC deems it unforgivable.

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Are you for real? You permanently blocked a few people for stupid increased font and yet no one blocks RMT abuser despite of proof and his own confession? Wow, just wow.

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