Tree of Savior Forum

Plans on Discipline of employees

Recently, this game has become unplayable, due to a bug that isolates and immobilizes allies in a boss battle cutscene.

While I am sure this will eventually be fixed, I wondering as to the company’s polices on lieing.

What are IMCs hiring and termination stipulations regarding actively deceiving the community?

Recently, several posts, not just 1 thread, but multiple, were given false information regarding the repair of the aforementioned bug.

Information, in … less than grammatically correct english, that stated that the bug was fixed, and to ‘please contact us’ if more information was needed.

Now, normally, a community manager jumping the gun on a project that is still slightly behind schedule would not be a big problem.

However, this was multiple times, on multiple threads, giving the all clear, that players could party up for quest bosses, when in fact, it was more than a few hours after that post, with no hotfix, that I found the situation to be the same.

This means, that Amy along with multiple other Staff members, lied to the community.

I want to know what the company’s polices are, on dealing with what I see as either huge oversight and miscommunication between community staff and code staff. Or outright lieing to the players. By posting in the middle of the night, for the US at least, and not giving any solid indication of why the bug happened, what was done to fix it, or any ‘real’ information at all

Beyond telling us, that it was repaired, when in fact, it was not.

This is not the same as a bug on league of Legends, where a champion can become OP by having no cooldowns. This is a ‘game breaking’ bug… something that makes playing with even 1 team member, impossible.

I want to know, what this company’s leaders, have to say regarding outright lieing to everyone, in multiple posts, on multiple threads.

if Amy truly believed that the bug was fixed. this means 2 things. Firstly, this person did not play any amount of ToS gameplay, or they would have easily found that the information was false.

Secondly, it means that if they truly believed this to be fixed, then that information MUST have come from an internal source, meaning a team, or indivudal, in charge of fixing this error, told @Staff_Amy that the issue was repaired, when in fact, it was not.

With both of these situations, it does not shine a good light, on the staff members, and their response times. It does not shine a good light on how much they care about this game.

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Staff has been largely absent this entire time, with the exception of Julie when she was around.

That being said, it sends a message that they haven’t cared too much about their staff image, likely because of other issues they’re dealing with. Would it make things better if they were on more? Absolutely. But we’ve yet to see that.

I understand being upset that something wasn’t fixed when it should be, that’s the case for a lot of things in this game. But it was likely miscommunication more than lying, or not realizing the bug was triggered in more than one way. I don’t think it calls for punishment of forum moderators.

If the team as a whole was more disciplined though, I’m sure we wouldn’t have problems like these.


I can’t pinpoint the misunderstanding when many players clearly explained how to replicate the issue. But when it comes to IMC, I wouldn’t be surprised if they only read 3 characters out of our 20+ character reports 8)

Joking aside, I stand with this post. It is not an overreaction to believe that @STAFF_Amy is a liar. But rather than calling her a liar, it seems reasonable to believe that IMC created a “fix” for this, and loaded it without testing it, and Amy decided to say that everything is OK. In this case, it demonstrates how unprofessional the staff are. A simple process of finding a fix, testing it, and then loading it can’t even be accomplished without issues. Furthermore, they can’t even admit that they made a mistake.

In addition, @STAFF_Amy’s response was barely English. Not to mention the lack of information that she provided.


Away from us what i am about to say, but i feel that this game will sink if this keep going as it is right now, i do love the game don’t get me wrong.

But when the person behind a promising project like this start to act in the way they are, the situation can turn grim in the blink of an eye.

There is no point in fix one thing, and break it again on the next patches (i am looking at you optimization).

Well, exaggerations and jokes aside, i will keep going on the game until something really major broke out, be it restrictions or bugs.