Tree of Savior Forum

Planning to Return, best Sorcerer2 > X build?

Hello guys, I am planning to return to ToS after a long time and planning to start a Sorcerer Build.

I wanted to know which would be the best rank build. My plan is pick SRC 2 but I am not sure which classes I need to prebuild and If I should keep going with Warlock, Necro or Sage once I hit SRC2.

I tried building one when the release and went Wiz>cryo1>cryo2>Link1>Link2 but then I got told I did a disaster because there were better comps. People told me alot of Pyro, others about Cryo3, Linkers, etc. But I ended with no Idea and I had no time to start from 0.

Now that I am planning to return. Could someone give me some advice of which Rank Classes/build I should pick before SRC2 and which would be best to pick after SRC2 (Necro, Lock or Sage). So I wont commit the same mistake again?


wiz pyro 2 linker 2 sorc 2 sage.

Sorc is meh right now but it will have buffs in the future and for the meanwhile pyro will carry you if you have agny necklace.

currently Sorc is not so good. If there is a reason for you to go sorc (like, for example you REALLY like the class - which is totally fine)
I would do something like w1-pyro2-link-Sorc2-??-??

Last two ranks are up to you. You can:

  1. Pyro3-sage or Linker2-sage <- best option in my opinion
  2. WL2 <- not so good without wiz3
  3. Sorc3 - sage

those 3 options would work but I am by no means a pro in wizards.

wiz3-link1 *qq mm link5-6
wiz1-cryo3 *cc
cryo1/pyro1-link2 *link8


necro1-sage *necro decay