Tree of Savior Forum

Planning to reset my Wizard dps build

With the upcoming reset voucher, I’m currently thinking of using my voucher on one of my Chars which is:

Level 276 Wiz3>Link1>Sorc1>Necro3

Now, I thought of resetting because I got a bit disappointed of Necro’s c3 skills (particulary the damage that the skeleton archer and flash strike deals and the bugs that have showed up ) but I still have my doubts since I fear what the end-game content might give and the dps that I might loose.

I am planning to reset it into Elememe but from what I’ve heard warlock 2 is a bit disappointing and the potential adding flying mobs in future content.
I really do want a dps build without getting unviable really fast.

So, I’m still here debating on whether I should keep my build and reset my other build (cryo3>sorc2) instead or change into a Elememe (or another dps builds that won’t be unviable in future content)

elelock? you need +15 windia rod or any 315 rod and staff (violet or orange) then transcend it to level 10 so you can be relevant again. Waste attribute in frost cloud that doesnt hit flying and be disappointed whenever you see flying.

You just need swordsman and clerics to carry you to the rank 8 content. Well if you know scripts then warlock 2 is really good. If you want dps sorry to disappoint you but reroll to cleric or swordsman.

you can afk farm with Necro3 bruh

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1)Btw, how’s it in late game? Going for exactly the same build but thinking of resseting Sorc1 to Link2. Is your Summon could live and make damage in R8 or is it just a waste of rank?

2)I’ve read that in R8 there is many link resistant mobs, so Link2 isn’t good too.

3)How’s the afk farming with necro3? Does you use TS instead?

  1. Well, the build is kinda nice for those who like “Summoner” themed players, I can say that my summon can die quickly if it was focused on. But the skeletons are kinda underwhelming and flash stike seems to be good only for its attribute.

  2. I haven’t experienced much but I did saw one of the mobs in maven and khonot forest got resistance to link.

  3. Only bots/auto-macros use summoners permanently.

Actually, necro 3 can indeed have quite durable summons without the need of any third party program. Not permanent per se, but skellies copy your level so the higher you are the higher they’ll be (higher base HP). Plus with enough passive investment they can get even higher HP which makes sure they can last a good while against the usual lowbies u’llleave them afk at.

Now, against similar level content, especially those new 3 and 4 star maps, skellis will simply keep getting knocked back and killed before they are off cd. Not really worth it.

literally just do pyro linker if you want dps now with agni coming and how easy it’d be to craft it, cheaper than elementalist.
Agni will make fire damage super strong you could go wiz 3 but not really a good choice since linker makes pyromancer stronger

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Agreed, there is also another nice combo with pyro 3 linker 3, you first link 4 balls to the boss, get some distance to not be interrupted and use hell breath at the fire balls, it will multiply the dmg by the number of balls and add a 50% damage debuff to the boss, I mean he will receive 50% more damage.

Does [hell breath] not push balls?

no i did that combo a few times, it doesn’t push them away but you HAVE to link the balls between themselves AND the target for it to multiply the damage
it’s good but its not stronger than the straight up link+fireball thing
or just straight up link mobs and use helll breath
unless there is another mechanic we are missing

how about wiz3-pyro3-linker2?

wiz 3 sounds good on paper, but hell breath stops itself at some point automatically, it cannot go forever
warlock 2 will contribute to more damage
also having agni you don’t really need quickcast because its not as big of an increase at these high numbers.
It’s all a matter of preference, you can go that route if you want
you’d have mm+jp AND the fireball link+HK combo
doesn’t sound that bad actually now when i think about it :smiley:

If u want the best class for DPS to play with , you will never stop changing builds… because the game is always changing… yesterday wizards were OP, now we have clerics and swordsmans… tomorrow maybe archers again, then clerics, then wizards… if u want an advice u should keep what you like most, doesnt matter if its good or not… I like sorcerers and this class really sux… but I love to play sorc… so I have no reason to change…

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pyro c3- ele c3- sage.

agni necklace makes pyro skills good,

cast frost cloud whenever possible and use pyro skill in between to stack even more dps on mobs.

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Thaum> Necro 2> Rune Caster - Rune of Giants.

I’m not sure if Rune of Giants affects summons, but if it does this could be a good dps build.

Buff your summons with thaum, then go giant with Rune of Giants.

Worst build ever. Summons are not affected with Thaum buffs nor with Runecaster. Even if they would, it will still be bad. Just forget about any Necro summons, they are just a meat shield in PvP and afk farmers in Dina Bee in PvE. They are useless in 200+ lvl content.
Only good dps for now is actually linker, it offers much more than any other wiz circle ingame.

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sigh, ya I have no wiz toons, but it just seemed like an interesting idea.
Not much info out there about rune of giants so I appreciate the heads up.

What do you want to know about rune of Giants?

Do you know if FF2 skills work with it?

cast rune of giants and then as you walk over it, cast levitate. you become a flying giant.
while being a flying giant, you can use all your skills. You basically become a flying tank with high defense and HP after casting blood sucking to heal yourself back up, you can use blood curse after that.

I do not think this was intended and should be treated as a bug, do not build your character around this mechanic because the devs talked about changes to Runecaster skills. Some of which may affect how this works, alternatively IMC decides to patch it one day, there goes 1 rank from your featherfoot assuming your character cannot utilise other runecaster skills

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