Tree of Savior Forum

Photoshop a costume you like to see in game


can imc make this?? your base is the simple clerric model…

i just photoshoped this while waiting for maintenance to end… and pls could it be gender restricted… not class restricted… i want that in some of my characters lol

post your creations guys… XD

The first one is somethingtaken from Disney, right?
The second one looks like a MOD of the game. Doesn’t combine with the game aesthethic, but it could be cool for Rpg.

Too lazy for using photoshop right now, so i’ll post the costume in its raw form

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yeah i like elsa hahaha… and would be nice if they made it… hehehe… with matching shoes too

You know what? what you said about the shoes made me think about… What if one could customize his player with different stuff, like shoes, gloves, top, bottom, etc, change the clothes colours and such and make your own custom style.

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im down with it but you know imc stream line the costume designs :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: we can only hope and pray


I don’t have PS on this computer but I’d love to see more qipao stuff too…!

I also really hope they bring…the older design aesthetics back. Like, the 2016 xmas outfits, or the c3 ones. I really loved the intricacy and they were cute and unique and people wearing them just fit with the game’s atmosphere.

i get that seifuku/pure fanservicey is popular but…orz…

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Hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahha OMG I want that… wait ill find models to photoahop that hahahaha

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sorry i tried my best… Q_Q

a mixture of the mercenary clothes and the sling bikini…

and just adjusted some parts


There is an old post that is similar to this…
This is what I posted on that Tread…


Really hope that IMC makes a draw a costume/companion contest…


make that to female too… i would buy 1 hehehehe

Female = upper pic, male = lower pic (w/c i didn’t put too much effort coz reasons :rofl:)

i would like the black and pink hehehehe

impressive, but needs more cleavage.

I would like one of these: [Costume Suggestion Thread]

!!! costume contest please!!!

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I would like this costume please.


a bath towel… you need also wings and a halo… you could be an angel XD

but a bath towel XD

Nowadays you can see girls with less clothes and mini skirt revealing half their butt too.

Give me Kirin armor from MH please.
