Tree of Savior Forum

Phantom beta signups?

So beta signups were running. And apparently they just ended. The signups were supposed to be available on the main site, but I never saw anything there other than the message saying it was on the main site >.> Is not the main site? The idea that I missed a beta signup for no reason has me all sorts of disappointed. Where the heck was that signup at?!

If you checked the topic or asked in the forum in the registering time period, you could have seened a tons of topics asking the same thing, who where redirected to the same topic from one guy who explained what to do when you don’t see the button. It was pretty simple like disonnecting/reconnecting on the main site (not on the forum), and linking your facebook or google account to steam, maybe switching to google account if you where using FB one, 'cause most of the time the bug was with people on FB accounts. ^^

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Wowza, what an incredibly stupid reason to miss beta signups. Shame I didn’t have time to dig for a solution until today. I guess it just sucks to be me. Thanks for the quick reply, though.

The fan sites will surly offer some give-away once the beta keys are distributed, so keep an eye on ToSBase for example :wink:

Yep wait for fan site giveaways. There may be a lot less people trying the giveaways with all the people who already registered ^^

I find it hard to believe this little story of yours, I’ve seen ppl posting guides and help threads 24/7. However giving you the benefit of a doubt , I gotta say , you’re one unlucky guy/or gal.
If you are feeling desperate I Hope you can find a cheep key on ebay :c