Tree of Savior Forum

[Petition] Make Transcendent Weapon, Armors, Accessories shareable via Team Storage

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

I only have one set of armors (hasta plate set) and accessories (max peta and glad bands) which is used by most of my characters. I transfer the equipments via Team Storage to each of my characters while doing dailies everyday. I really want to transcend my gears so I could survive Solmiki or GvG or TBL better but doing so will make them unusable by my other characters. I hope IMC makes transcendent gears shareable via Team Storage so that I would no longer have to get another set of equipments for my other characters in case I transcend my current gears.

Thank you IMC for listening to your customer’s suggestions. Some notable suggestions which were granted; being able to store silver, being able to trade even if one has no token, being able to queue with party, more channels to specific maps, and many more. I hope IMC also consider my request about transcendent gears. I wish you more power and continue innovating!


I understand why you would want this, but since there are so many whales and RMTers, this would benefit them more than anyone else. Now the guy with all transcended armor will have transcended armor on all his characters, or move his super powerful stage 10 weapon to his alts to use.

Such high investment needs to have a drawback to it or else you have people with an unfair advantage running rampant, moreso than they are now.


Even if i would kinda like it myself … Transcendence is pretty much investing everything in 1 of your character, it would make thing too easy otherwise.
Also would be kinda sad for people who already transcend multiple similar weapon/set etc…

A conditional yes for me.

IMHO, with the current OPness of transcendent equipment, there should be a threshold on which they can be stored. e.g. at stage 6 trans, the item can’t be stored anymore.

aside from that i don’t see why the ■■■■ is it bad to make my trans items shared to my alts.

i ain’t farming another max petamion, for that matter.


Great Idea.


I agree with the original post. The fact that you can only get 1 Practonium per character currently makes it every annoying to not be able to transcend if you want to use the weapons on more then 1 character.

This is what I wanted until they decided to make blessing shards be sellable in the market instead of this. Feels bad man.

Great Idea.


I transfer my weapons using the pet equip slot. If the pet can equip armors and accessories you can transfer too ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (The mine is Velheider can transfer weapons only).
I don’t have any weapons with transcedent to test but with normal ones work very well.

Well, you could introduce a seperate storage to transfer transcended equip from one char to another, which requires blessed shards to use (to put in and to take out a weapon, it takes 1+1 shard per transcendence stage of the item e.g.).

This would still enable you to switch your gear if you like to play e.g. another char more than your current one, but come with a cost that’s high enough to keep RMTs/Whales in check to not switch over their gears 24/7 from char to char/bot to bot without a certain loss.

Yes please!!


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I am waiting for very long time for this, I have a lot of Blessed Gems in storage waiting for this, can’t transcend my items now otherwise I will not be able to use them in all my characters (and I have many). Enhance is now giving a good bonus and do not lock our items to one character, I don’t see why not allow transcend also.
In kTOS User Meetup they said that after perfecting transcend system they were considering making transcended items tradable, but now seems that they forgot about it, didn’t heard anything about this lately

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