Tree of Savior Forum

[Personal build] Wiz>cryo3>sorc>nec>war. Need guidance from wiz users

I personally made this build base on game play and interest (fun to use).
This is my second char my first char is a dragoon so I don’t have personal exp. in wiz.


  • Mainly for CC
  • my problem here is the point allocation is mine fine?


  • mainly for the Cat (servant)
  • I will only use summon in emergency cases or when needed
  • And is Salamion really that bad? (According to the forum). Im putting 1 point on it cuz well “The more the merrier”


  • I’m really confused in the point allocation here. Is mine ok?
  • Is dirty pole really that bad (according to forum)? I’m thinking of using it in my combos


  • Is my point allocation correct?
  • Picked this cuz its dark. Servant will increase dark attack

Combo that i thinked of:

  • frost pillar - ice wall - pole of agony - invokation - death pole - then spam skills

Stat point: int:con 4:1 then a least 20-30spr

I suggest you to drop it then, just for 1 skill it is never worth pick a class, and from my personal experience, if you don’t pick Sorc C2 for hold/attack ground, the class is hard to master as your first char.
Salamion is really useless, you don’t have control over it, it attack whatever it want causing unnecessary luring, have low damage and it have life time (60 seconds), If you want to focus on something as Sorc C1, then go with servant and pick Summon Familiar, but only 5 is really not that much, it is just an extra damage, it attack whatever you or your spells are hitting and the attribute (splash damage) help a bit more.

Drop Ice Blast and Gust, they aren’t that good and put these points in Snow Rolling.
Just so you know, Subzero Shield only work on melee attacks now, against archers and mages you are screwed, 5 points in there is more than enough i guess.
Put these extra points in Ice Wall and Ice Pike.

I would go like this (it is not a completed simulation, only based on classes i have played):

Thx for the advice :slight_smile:

Your Warlock points is … you know what i mean :sweat_smile: you should go with 5 Dark Theurge, 5 Invocation, 1 Evil Sacrifice, the rest is PoA (you can take 1 from PoA for Mastema if you want)

If you go Sorc just for the cat buff, you should know exactly what the cat offer:
+5 AoE ratio : great but if we have card system, AoE ratio will be more easier to have. But still good nontheless
+Sp regen speed : very good if you have sp regen item, might not need to use sp pot at all. But don’t increase your atk or def or anything
+Stamina regen: useless in most case
+50 magic def : it’s good for now but when the lvl cap raise, 50 m.def is insignificant
+50 dark atk : the same as magic def

The cat buff is worth or not is up to you to decide

Dirty Pole have tiny Decay aura, the initial hit (when the pole raise) does not inflict Decay, knockdown mobs (make mobs scatter)

IMO if you want to go Cryo3, take out Necro1 and go Sorc2 instead. Necro1 works better in something like Wiz3-Link1-Sorc1-Necro1-WL (This is my current path, at Necro1 right now).

Also, Templeshooter/Summoning is still very useful at Sorc1, so please do invest into getting a 10* TS unless you don’t mind just standing around most of the time waiting for Flesh Cannon to cooldown.

What if I go wiz3 > link1 >sorc1>sorc2>WL

for sorc I want to mainly use cat and familiar, is it worth 2 circle or not? I can change sorc2 to link2 if it’s better.