Tree of Savior Forum

Perform more QA or setup a Test Server

Since we’ve been having so much trouble with bugs in patches. Why not a test server? Steam has the ability to support a beta client and swap between versions.

Or more QA hours for iToS.

I see you’re putting in work for content patchs and everything. Why not make sure the patchs are better.

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based on old forum posts there maybe a test server but its a closed one. some players maybe are under NDA. hopefully IMC makes a open test server for everyone else to test the new patches before applying it on live.

more players the more the results.

Well it just makes more sense to make it public if it’s not doing it’s job… Need a better team or a better testing environment.

If it’s a closed realm it should have characters copied from live realm often, unlimited TP to spend. Though it seems odd that no one on the test realm would goto a TP shop and not notice the white icons.