Tree of Savior Forum

[PERFECT 10] You've Trained Him Well

Server Name: Klaipeda

Team Name: Tetsumatsu

Character Name: Uyeda

Video Description : Thought I’d make a fighting show case since it’s the best I know how to do (Threw some emotes in there as well).
"You’re finally skilled enough to be called a Master Swordsman!"

Video Link :


-1 point cause the costume makes you look fat

-1 point the story moves too slow

-2 point too much UI stuff

6/10 :older_man: Tanaka would love this

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Shh, Noones supposed to know that. :eyes:

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I like your character name. Your vid is decent tho

I’ll probably end up remaking this. Just going to keep this here and edit it when I get the chance.