Tree of Savior Forum

[PERFECT 10] Sakura Feathers

Server Name: Klaipeda

Team Name: Smiffy

Character Name: Scorch

Video Description : I love the light, pastel colours of sakura petals so I created a balance of the light textures of the pink and blue in my costume and feather armband and the pink of Mishekan Forest to contrast with the bolder colours of Pyro and Warlock to show you how much of a baller I am :wink:

No Flowlons were harmed in the making of this video. (They actually killed me instead.)

Video Link :


Costumes and hair accessories are a must (make sure to equip 1 costume and 3 hair accessories. Hope to see your three of hair accessories :blush:

isn’t the 1 costume part redundant since we cant go naked (sadly) and a little unfair for new poorers… I mean players?_?

@STAFF_Max I’ve fixed it! Thanks for reminding me!