Tree of Savior Forum

[PERFECT 10] Macarena Dance

Server Name: Silute

Team Name: Taeli

Character Name: Morgana

Video Description : Video lesson teaching how to dance macarena with all latin waddle. I’m wearing a pineapple, flower branch and white flower hairpin and My clothes were specially made for this dance releasing the movements of the legs and arms

Video Link:


Very creative, haha.

@STAFF_Max its okay use costume class ?

I’m not Max but according to the rules:

  • Your model character must be wearing 1 costume and 3 hair accessories (all 3 head slots must be equipped and visible, not hidden). Premium/newly-released items are NOT mandatory.
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my video its okay ? i made it other using vibora costume but i like this first video

It is stated in the rules that premium(TP) items are not mandatory, so you should be able to participate the event TP-free…

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tks for help me <3
The video was very cool and I would be very sad because I could not compete

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up ~lets learn to dance <3 <3 <3~