Tree of Savior Forum

People who think Wizard needs a buff

stop think and learn your character.

We are a DPS power house period, that includes sorcerer if built right with my current sorc build i am able to clear all content 220+ solo, without barely touching a pot excluding dungeons which i probably go through a few pots on solo’s.

Anyone who think wizard mechanics are weak please say so here and give your reason and i will explain to you why you are wrong.

I swear 5/10 threads on here are people who think wizard suck.

well I barely played enough of wizard, I was going c3 for quickcast but for c1 and c2 it really sucked.

Sorcerer doesn’t need a buff so much as it needs bug fixes and summons other than Templeshooter need to be balanced and fixed.

Yeah i just made my Wizard C3 Ele and Wizard sucks until C3 when you get Magic Missile due to its limited number of attacks but I don’t view wizard C3 as anything other than a class to get quickspell and surespell from so I think its pretty well off where it is once you get another class. It just sucks to level.
Just think of it like like linker you dont take linker for damage you take it to support your build.

Any suggestions on what are good path’s after Wiz c3?
sorry to derail OP but I’m curious as to what all the cool kids are doing 8]

Mind sharing your sorc build?

Why Featherfoot and not Warlock? Its because I like the outfit. Yeah that’s right I’m choosing my C7 class for fashion what of it? want to fight about it?

nah I’m right there with you :smile:
I will work a bit more to get my wizard to C3. My main concern with Elementalist is that I’d be bogged down by long cool downs, is that true?

I know you like the outfit i like the outfit too but with all the single target dps featherfoot has your going to have a bad time without linker

also my build for the other guy

Why psychokino you ask? well, thats a secret. Wiz 3 because you would be a fool to choose otherwise, when rank 8-9 comes around its going to make everythine r7+ amazing. However it still synergizes amazingly with warlock right now as far as burst dps goes, can take down the level 200 DG boss in a matter of seconds. Magic missile dark bats quickcast and sleep and you summon is going to carry you rank 3 through 6 so don’t worry too much about damage, but when you peak r7 thats when your burst potential becomes amazing.

beta and people have they’re wrong builds


Sorc is good if done right.
But i have seen things like.

And other stuff … of nightmares.

Build right, anything is good.
Heck people laugh at me as archer 3 so often… till i get the aggro of the boss or hit a whole mob of 5~20 enemys with multishot 15 duo circling mechanics…

The game is to young. And people are to used to other games ^^.
It needs time~

People are talking about Sm now.

Right on, i think they should swap the leash size from the Summon Servant with Summon, that wai we have more safety while killing stuff and let the summon kill. The AI need rework and the other cards as you said, need some more balance too. If they let the basic attacks like it is on the actual boss, Necroventer and Temple Shooter would be the best cards out there, Necroventer boss basic attack if i am not mistaken hit 3 or 4 times if you don’t move out of the way.

That is because of people who didn’t played on iCBTs lol, they think this game is based on the new rank classes or something along that lines.

My build is Wiz C1 > Pyro C1 > Pyro C2 > Linker C1 > Sorc C1 > Alch C1 > Sorc C2 > (when they release the R8 i will go Alch C2 or depending of my SP consumption Linker C2).

I am at Alch C1 (R6) right now and i don’t regret, specially when i have to deal with Ksers., Flame Ground + Temple Shooter + JP = insta kill.
I still need to upgrade the enhance damage of those skills a bit more.

All they have to do is make a wizard class that scales well off of STR/DEX only and we good. Starting from rank 2 of course.

I would love a muscle wizard.


So true xD…

Some jobs scale really well. And work extremly well together.
But i would take featherfoot on my mage~

I plan to make that someday…:

Trauma gives me con.
Featherfoot gives me health regen on atks.
Link for a few extra links.

xD It sounds so fun… q.q … but i’m not yet ready to face it…

Sounds fun, i remember a bit of another build including trauma with high INT and mid con for support, entirely support, it would be party dependent but it seemed a fun build to have, really tanky.