Tree of Savior Forum

People who missed the transfer, lets group together and demand IMC give us our deserved transfer!

So I have asked repeatedly about transfer since I missed the deadline because IMO bad info on application deadline and no real warning on front page that time was running out, horrible webpage design where you literally have to be a forum dweller to know anything important when important stuff like this should be readily available in client, on the front page in CLEAR VIEW (this was NOT the case with the old transfer and it seems they changed this for the SA server, which is good for people who want to go there I guess) etc.

Some might say it was my fault for missing it, who cares, I am not gonna argue about that at this point and do not want people to discuss it here, HOWEVER, I am making this post for people who think they have been unfairly treated and still want IMC to let them transfer to their desired server! I still do not think it is okay for them to completely ignore me and other peoples demand to get a transfer because the FAQ STILL states that we were gonna get a free transfer (Added a screenshot from the Support FAQ where a deadline is yet not stated!!!) and frankly, it is INSANE that they will not let ALL paying customers of the early access get something like a free server transfer, especially since it was their fault in the first place that a lot of people started playing on the wrong server since no info was out about regional servers at release and I think it is their responsibility to make us paying early access customers happy with their server and not have to deal with bad ping because of their screw up.

If anyone from IMC is reading this, I am just going to say that I am not going to yield until me and the other people who need a transfer is getting one, if not, the game is just gonna get an even worse rep than the one you are trying to (hopefully) repair as if you want a long-lasting and popular game you NEED to listen to the players AND be VERY CLEAR with ALL YOUR INFO! <img src="/uploads/default/original/3X/e/e/ee16e572bb17550d9cda38b605ac8b57d8dc23d4.png" width=“690” height=“388”


Is that how you ask for a favor? You weren’t treated unfairly. Its just so happen that reading news is not your style. Here have a :pizza:


Another 7hours mainte? No way.

People who didnt read â– â– â– â–  and just want to play and kill and smash stuff lets group together and blablabla

I have literally no idea how would anyone miss the news of server transfer, and to know there is a transfer but having issue about deadline is even worse, unless you’re not able to read a single English letter.


I’m not a forum dweller, I went to the website and first thing I noticed was news regarding server transfers. I think you might want to get your eyes checked, or go back to school if possible. Whichever one is easier for you.


Lmao, the server transfer ad was always on the first page of their website (the sliding ad) they removed it after the deadline. For those who missed it, don’t be salty because y’all just probably too lazy to check their website once a week.

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If you missed it, it’s your fault. It’s kinda stupid that we also have to deal with this maintenance. And for what? A stupid exp tome. IMC should not have made this decision to transfer people. If they really wanted to, they’ll make a new character.

I missed the first transfer date cuse of a bug, but i talked to the love @staff_julie
and she got me in on the second wave, she might be able to help you too.

Thank you julie

Besides that… News pops out from steam even while playing… From maintenance to etc…

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No you didn’t need to be a forum dweller to know it… on the main page of the website (not forum) there ia a HHHHHUUUUUGEEEE banner advertising with a HHUUUUGGGGGEEEE button that server transfer is now available.

With that attitude you expect them to give you a transfer which was OBVIOUSLY your fault that you missed. It was literally on the front page of the website.

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Another 24 hour maintenance for the rest of the player base and IMC staffs just because a select few didn’t want to bother reading the main page news and missed the transfer?

Too much was talked about team transfers.
They splashed a big banner on site.
Too many topics on forum about transfer.
And in game too many random players talking about transfer.

With all those sources of information there are dumbs missing the time transfer and coming to forum to say was “unfairly treated”.

For the dumb who started this thread:
You can transfer to the last server created(Telsiai) SEA unless you aimed at EU server.
So EVERYBODY was warned about that(That was so hyped util who don’t play ToS noticed this transfer)

Don’t blame IMC for you lose your lolipop

What part of that “…or sooner if possible.” you didn’t understand? And since you spammed a new thread about this same topic, let me post you this banner that was on the [official homepage] ( (I made you a link in case there’s some misunderstanding about that too):

So you and your friends can’t really claim there wasn’t information everywhere (especially there being none on the front page). If you wanted to get transferred at some point, how logical would it have been if you actually clicked that banner or check the news section, since you bothered to go to all the way to FAQ section to look for your answer? I bet you just wanted to look for anything that looks like announcement and where they don’t give the deadline, to provide “proofs” despite all the other evidence that we’ve provided to you.

The results will be the same even if you create new thread about this so please stop spamming the same topic hoping you’ll find any significant support for your crusade.

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Lol these threads are getting bolder and bolder with their wording.
First is
"GM Pls I have Issues with transfers"
which sounds like they did submit a ticket but it failed, turn out they didn’t apply for it.

Now they are that desperate that they want to riot for it to happen?
IMC staff must be like :

Strange, everyone else seem to be able to comprehand what IMC posted.
You should either go for classes or just accept the fact that you fcked up.




enough said

stop crying