Tree of Savior Forum

People enjoy killing Big Red Kepa

Lol so many people spam for the Big Red Kepa. Is it really that worth :grin: :grin:

i enjoy it we need more big mobs in all zones :smiley:


I saw this stuck z huntig too i wonder if that kepa is really worth doing that specilly for the high level players doing it…

I killed a big blue…

I heard archers love them alot.

is like 100 silver + 200-400 from item at early stage, i farm there to reach 20k silver and buy the best lvl 15 weapon +5 anvil upgrades and then keep progresing

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Yea but u actually playing, in the first post video ppl is afk with stuk z key…

Some ppl already level 40-60 c3 still afk farming this kepa, at those levels the 20k silver is nothing but they keep hindering true players who deserve a chance to kill that mob…

yea… those high levels 1 hit everything there… but thats not only place big red kepa respawn :smiley:

All spawns, all channels where full of high levels afk farmers last time i was there and i dont get why high level ppl do it, u get much better drops and money farming at higher level maps no real need to hinder newbies…

yeah but maybe they sleeping or working and afk there :stuck_out_tongue:

where are all the other bosses…

These people are all AFK doing something else while making money in-game for zero effort. Otherwise it’s not worth spending your time on actually hitting it all day.

Just to clarify:
First is clear they are afk, in fact that is the reason their behavior is subject to discussion at all.
Sencond when i ask if doing that is worthy, the implicit meaning of my question is not about time or effort… but perhaps was lost in translation.

Some people use macro to maintain the Auto Attack.
Deactivate this mob and you’ll see a lot of people crying.

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