I’m Full CON, cause I’m a guild leader, so my guild mates help me leveling and doing stuff together, but almost anything on normal maps I could solo.
I don’t got any offensive skills at Peltasta 1 and 2, Just maxing the SwashBuckler and the High Guard when I could.
A lot of ppl like to use the High Guard > Umbo Blow Combo.
Its a preferrence.
I don’t use that combo, cause for me the most important thing is the Multihit Skills on Peltasta 3.
If you getting trouble to level you can level the Umbo Blow to help.
I maxed Butterfly, Langort and Umbro Thrust. to do a little damage.
The most important thing is to get a good Sword and Mace and keep auto-attacking them.
About my CON yep, Only CON and nothing else.
Ppl say to Mix Con with Dex or Str, I don’t sure, Cause for me “If its to play a Full Tank, I’ll go do a Full Tank, don’t matter what happens”.
But I things theres some guides spreaded on the forum about that, but ON MY PERSONAL OPNION, they are bullshit when talking about tanks. XD
Always try to buy the Pardoner Buffs, they HELP A LOT. When I started there was no Pardoner buffs =(.