Tree of Savior Forum

Pay to play opinions/ bot problems

i would like to make a suggestion to make the game pay to play that way imc has a direct constant flow of income and could drop premium shop prices. and it eliminate bot problems cause they are not gonna pay a monthly fee to bot. P2P seems to be a better option in my eyes. but this is my opinion and humble suggestion.

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P2P games have bots. Also they have to pay every time they make another bot account right now. They are clearly making enough profit where fees don’t scare them.


well there was a point where the packs were being abused and people got them for free so who knows if they actually payed

In order to do that exploit you had to buy and keep at least one of the 2 larger packages the 30 or 50$ one. And it enabled you to get infinite tp it did not give you free access.

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And if they are willing to pay now, it certainly wouldn’t be an issue then.We’d just have angrier players because they’d be paying every month and still seeing these issues. Forums would probably be even more obnoxious.

@OP You sure haven’t played Diablo III, Final Fantasy XIV, EVE Online and many other P2P games out there, all have bots, at least GS shout bots.

Doesn’t matter what kind of business model IMC adopt, they can’t get rid of bots and GS, i am still waiting to see their so called AI anti-bot (i named it that way because it sounded like an AI software so don’t go calling IMC stuff now) to see how that goes in the future, the thing still learning from the reports we do in-game.

Removal of access 3 pass didn’t fix the bot problems. The guys that run the bot brigades run bots in every major mmo game out there. If you check their websites, those guys are stupidly well funded that they probably don’t care about buying new accounts to replace their banned ones because they know they have a market of players who are willing to buy their services.

The hard part is to find the bots in the obscure little fields where no one really is in to report them. They’ll easily level and loot in peace and gain all the silver in the world…

To quit now while bots haven’t fully invaded or regret later when they outnumber real players 1000:1 =_=…

It was never supposed to. it was removed to stop the infinite tp exploit.

i dont see why the players population of this game would even buy crap from them, yeah lets endorse the bots! gtfo. but i did play final fantasy etc, and never ran into a bot sooo…in my opinion they need to auto ban any person who spams the silver selling website but god only know if they have that kind of power

Umm, they could do it like how Aura Kingdom where the server bans the player who buy golds from bots to discourage buying gold? Idk just a fruit for thought

because the silver to dollar value is wayyyyyyyyyy better then what IMC is offering. Its like anything else if you have 2 stores side by side selling the exact same thing your going to pick the one that costs less.

okay but players who support the bots are also ruining the game! soo… aint worth it

Depends on who you ask. IMC needs to smarten up their trade restrictions are making life harder for players to, i know players that have considered or have bought silver because they can’t sell directly to players for currency/ Or cant find players with enough talt to = the sale value/ or cant post on the market for the appropriate prices. IMC is literally pushing players to the gold sellers.

i can see that imc isnt the most welcoming right now but im sure with as many people complaining it will be fixed, cause they dont want to loose their customers. i just hope all these people who are to impatient to wait dont put this silver sellers to high or we might never get rid of em.-

This is true. Because Final Fantasy XIV has the problem of botting to this day. Any new accounts that can whisper you, have to buy Final Fantasy XIV to actually be able to whisper you, anyone on the free trial… cannot whisper, party, send mail, join a guild, etc.

sorry but i do my sht and i have no idea about bots, but by far bots has an impact in my game play and end game gears are all untradable… so whats the point u loser buyin silvers with farmers if u cannot have the best gears ingame byuself ? have a good day sir

so you support bots? i dont understand your sentence and or comment and im not a sir thank you

i played and beat diablo 3 actually. just never really played it with more then a few people.

all end game items are untradable, u cannot buy it with silvers, u have to join a group and find em, wheres the impact of a gold seller there? also the way ez this game is by having ur stuffs, hunting a boss is so ez lol, its not im supporting any bot, im trying to say that its really easy to drops whatever you want u just have to play. lol