Yes, I decided to go that route now too. It’s not a huge upgrade to my DPS, but helps a bit.
ets say im a pardon2
and i have maxed Aspersion, Bless and Sacra only to sell purpose
so if i have 300 SPR, and lvl 15 bless, and someone buy my bless
buff… does he gets lvl 15 bless with MY current SPR or he will get
lvl 15 bless with HIS current SPR??
so does my spr affect the bless i sold???
if it yes, than i think its a no brainer that all the pardoner must have max SPR to attract buyers???
thanks for the anwer
No SPR bonus from shop bless. No bonus from shop bless (max ~ +170, always from shop).
Only normal bless (60 second duration) buff will get bonus.
Only attribute for bless will be used for shop.
You can go full CON, your shop bless will be 170.
You can go full SPR, your shop bless will still be 170.
Full str, shop bless still 170.
Yes, 0 spr same as 300 spr for shop.
You can use best stats to level quickly to pardoner2.
so no matter how much my SPR is… it wont effect the buff i sold???
0 SPR will buff the same as 300 SPR??
Only way to attract more customer is to get a nice title. And Gem for extra skill level.
Some people like to see sacrament lvl 11 vs shop sacrament lvl 10 -> they buy lvl 11.
Some customers prefer girl shop too. So perhaps you can get pardoner2 girl.
wait2… is this correct??
EDIT : this problem solved…